Chapter 25

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The Reality

After two more weeks, I was finally discharged from the hospital. Seunghyun hyung is always on my side. He takes care of me all the time and he is always very supportive.

My parents adore him just as much as I do. They always invite him over and he would always oblige.

Meanwhile, Daesung hyung was keeping his distance from me. I don’t know what I did wrong but ever since I got discharged, I think I have only seen him twice.

The other two that was suppose to be my friends, Jiyong and Youngbae, never showed themselves again. The last time I saw them was when Jiyong hyung run out of the hospital and Daesung and Youngbae hyung followed him.

So far, I still don’t remember anything about them. Seunghyun hyung would talk to me about them but nothing would ring any bell. Also, I just found out that Jiyong hyung was currently my boyfriend. That explains why he ran away when I told Seunghyun hyung that I love him.

I couldn’t believe Seunghyun hyung at first but then, he pointed out something that I’ve been wearing this whole time. A plain silver band. Inside the ring, there was an engraved nyongtory. Even so, my brain won’t recognize anything. I would get so frustrated sometimes that I cry myself to sleep.


“Seungri, give him a chance. He’s your boyfriend after all. Why wouldn’t you want to go out with him? He wants you to remember him. I’m not that asshole who’ll keep this situation for my advantage. I already did so, actually. But, he’s still my friend. I can’t do this to him. He’s not worth hurting and he’s practically my brother.” Seunghyun hyung said one afternoon while we are lounging on my couch. I was in front of him and my back was resting on his chest.

“Hyung, not this again. It’s like what you said. We’ve only been together for two days. How can you consider that as us being together? Compared to you--.” I quickly retorded but he cut off mid sentence.

“No, Seungri, don’t compare us. It would be unfair to Jiyong. I know him, his intentions are very clean. Don’t get me wrong, I still love you so much but you’re better off with him. He’s a nice guy. Unlike me, who left you at a snap of his mother’s fingers.”

“I love you too, hyung. Why do you keep pushing me away? Did you come to build me up just to break me down again? I swear to God, hyung...”

“Of course not! Seungri, I’m just being reasonable. How can you accept me so easily after everything I’ve done to you? I left you, remember? It even took you four years just to get over me. Jiyong was the one who built you up. You may not remember him now but I know that you will, soon. He’s way better for you. I promised myself that I won’t bother you when I see you living happily with someone else. I was happy when I learned that you found someone new. I was even happier when I realized that it was Jiyong. I kew he won’t hurt you...”

His words made me consider... things...

That’s why here I am, sitting at one of the benches in Ttukseom station, waiting for a certain Kwon Jiyong.

He’s not late by the way. I just got here way too early before the rendezvous.

Seunghyun hyung dropped me off. He was on his way to his company for a meeting so I quickly changed and asked him to drop me off. Reasons being; one, I get a free ride, two, I can nap on his car on the way here and lastly, I wanna spend more time with him before I meet my supposed boyfriend.

I fondled with my phone as I wait for Jiyong hyung to arrive.

Maybe racking my brain right now would help me a little bit.

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