Chapter 26

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The Lost One

I'm clueless. I have no idea why Jiyong hyung brought me to his house when he said he was going to introduce me to xxxibgdrgn.

Since we rode the taxi, and after that awkward conversation, neither of us have spoken anything. I would catch him throwing a few glances at me, but other than that, we didn't communicate. At all.

"Make yourself at home, Seungri. Let me get us some drinks. Anything you want? Coffee? Tea? Banana M--."

"Banana milk, please." I cut off.

He sent me a tiny beautiful smile and disappeared to what I think is the kitchen.

I walked towards the sofa and made myself comfortable.

A few moments later, a cat jumped on the space beside me. It was a grey, tall Abyssinian cat that looks very familiar.


"Aigoo. You didn't even last for at least 10 seconds in my lap. Come here you grumpy little cat." Jiyong hyung cooed. He went to follow the cat and pet it's head. The cat playfully bit his fingers and Jiyong hyung just let it gnaw on his hand.

I clutched my head again as a sharp pang of pain hit my temples.

What the hell was that?

Jiyong hyung... He was cooing Iye... But Iye... Iye is xxxibgdrgn's cat. Does that mean...

No. It can't be.

But how come the cat looked so familiar? How do I even know that it was Iye? It could be just something similar. Why did I immediately thought it was Iye... And what was that memory...

I rubbed both my temples in circular motion to ease the pain.

Damn, would I feel this sudden pain every time I'd recall some of my memories?

Jiyong hyung came back with a bottle of banana milk and a glass of water. He immediately rushed towards me as he placed our beverage at the coffee table and grabbed my hands that are clutching my throbbing temples.

"Seungri, are you okay? Is your head hurting again?" he said with a worried expression plastered all over his face.

"I'm fine hyung... The pain is kind of fading now..." I said as I offered him a what I thought was a convincing smile.

I grabbed the banana milk on the table and quickly stabbed it with the straw. I quickly sucked on the milk and as soon as it hit my mouth, it seemed to numb my headache.

"Ahh... This artificially flavored milk really does wonders, hyung. My headache was suddenly gone." I said as I gave him yet another smile. He seemed to believe me this time because he smiled back a little.


After finishing our drinks, Jiyong hyung stood up and put away the empty glass and bottle of banana milk. When he came back, he was holding ice cream treats.


He handed one of the sweet treats to me and I immediately looked up to him when I saw the flavor.

Strawberry. He knows my favorite...

"Come, I'll introduce you to xxxibgdrgn."  he said as he grabbed my hand and made me stand up. It got me out of my reverie.

"E-ehhh...? Arasseo..."

My heart started making funny beating patterns.

Oh my god... I... I'm going to meet xxxibgdrgn!

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