Chapter 18

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The Stars

I had so much fun at the deer food machine. Like what Jiyong hyung did on the store where we got ice cream, he also brought me to where he got the deer food last time. Indeed, you just have to insert coin and your cup will be filled with deer food.

"Hyung, aren't they suppose to eat grass? Why are they feeding them with this pellets? Is this healthy?" I asked Jiyong hyung. Somehow, the awkward silence earlier disappeared naturally.

"Hmm. I guess grass is healthier than this but, it's like those food supplements that humans need? It kinda works like that." he answered. Although he said it as a guess, it seems factual to me because really, doesn't his explanation make sense?

"Ohh... You're such a genius hyung. Why didn't I think of that?"

"So you believe me again, huh?"

"Of course! I told you, I'd believe in everything you say."

I think he mumbled 'not everything' but I'm not sure. We walked all the way to the feeding station and we finally arrived. I am so excited to see the baby deer that I fed last time. I think it's name was Kookie? It was so cute and fluffy and compared to his hyungs and noonas, he was way fluffier. I bet he gets all the love and food because he was the dongsaeng. I can somehow relate to him. Hahaha.

When we got there, a couple of kids are crying and some are even bawling at the arms of their parents.

"We are sorry the kids had to witness this. We've been trying to bring back his health but with no success. Rest assured that the little deer was very well taken cared off and he will rest in peace, meanwhile, please come back after 10 minutes to resume the deer feeding."

The man behind the one who was talking took the dead baby deer, wrapped it in a towel, and went away. A small clink caught my attention. Jiyong hyung was also looking at the small silver plate that fell on the ground. He looked at me then back at the plate and back at me again. Its as if he was contemplating until he finally reached down to pick up the plate. He froze for a bit before turning and giving me the plate with silver chains.


My heart dropped. Kookie... The baby dear that I was petting the last time we went here... died?

"Hyung..." I said, feeling lost. I was beginning to feel very very sad.

"Ahjussi. Can my friend here keep the name plate of Kookie?" Jiyong hyung asked one of the staff. The staff looked at me and he had the same crestfallen expression that I had. After much consideration, the man nodded.

"Yes. Please take good care of it." he said.

"Uhm... It's yours now, Seungri." Jiyong hyung said. I was still gazing at the poor deer's name plate. I looked up when Jiyong hyung said that the plate is now mine.


"Yes. I asked one of the staff if we could keep it and he said yes."


"Come on. Let's get out of here."

Jiyong hyung held my hand as we walk out of the premises of the deer feeding station. He gave our deer food cups to one of the guests that is waiting to feed some deer.

Without realizing, Jiyong hyung and I walked hand in hand all the way back to the bench near the store where we bought our ice cream. And there, we sat down. Jiyong hyung was rubbing circles at the back of my hand. It was comforting.

The one that got away (re-writing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt