Chapter 17

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The Trace

"Hyung... It's only 7 am... I've never heard of a date this early in the morning!" I half shouted as Jiyong hyung pestered me. It was already Saturday and here I am, starting the day off way too early because of a certain Kwon Jiyong.

"Come on. Stop complaining and get dressed already. If you won't, I'll just carry you in my car and we'll go out even if your just wearing pajamas." Jiyong hyung said as he shake me lightly.

"You wouldn't... Aish hyung... Let me sleep some more." I begged. I begin to sob in frustration. I slept late last night because I watched six episodes of Goblin. I didn't expect Jiyong hyung to come here this early.

He sighed and said a quick 'arasseo'. When I looked up, he looks crestfallen.

"Hyung, don't be like that. I slept late last night because I didn't know you would show up this early. Let me sleep for a few more hours -- 3 to 4 hours at least -- and we'll go. Please, hyung."

"Arasseo..." he said as he went to the other side of my bed, sat down, and removed his shoes. He proceeded on lying down and joined me under the covers.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Sleeping with you?"


"Well, what do you want me to do? You're going back to sleep and I've got nothing to do. Do you want me to watch you sleep? Don't you think that's creepy?"

"Okay okay... Be comfortable..."

He settled comfortably in my bed. It's not like this is the first time that we'd sleep together.

I was falling back to sleep when Jiyong hyung cuddled me. He hugged me close to him and sighed. When I say be comfortable, I mean not this comfortable.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Why are you asking me that again? I'm going to sleep with you."

"This close?"



"Why not?"


"Can't I hug you? Youngbae let's me hug him."

I was right. He was clingy to everyone. I thought I should feel special but that's not the case.

I just sigh in defeat and let myself drift off to sleep.


A blaring Pittakage woke me up at around 11 am. I reached out to get the ringing phone which certainly wasn't mine. It would have been a lot easier if it isn't because of Jiyong hyung crushing me with his whole body.

"Hyung, your phone is ringing." I said as I try to push him away from me.

"Hmm... What?" he said as he hugged me back to his chest.

"Hyung... I... I can't breath. Let go of me. I said your phone is ringing!"

"Aish... Answer the damn phone... I'm sleeping..."

When I looked at the screen of his phone, it was an unregistered number. I answered anyway.

"Hmm... Yeoboseo?" I answered sleepily.

"Yah, Jiyong-ah!" the caller greeted.

"I'm sorry, but this is his friend. He's still sleeping, may I know who is this?"

"Eh, really? That's odd. He was never the type of person to sleep as late as it is right now. Anyway, this is his Top hyung."

"Oh... Hello. I've heard so much much about you Top hyung. I hope we can meet soon." I said politely.

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