Chapter 12

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Thanks, Hyung.

Jiyong hyung and I are already on the elevator of his apartment. And when I say apartment, I mean a fucking penthouse apartment! I was flabbergasted to say the least. He placed his card on the sensor and pressed for the 33rd, which I think is the highest floor.

When the elevator door opened, it goes directly to his living room where two men, whose wearing a tight black shirt and black skinny jeans with a matching black shoes, is standing firmly. Both men looked on our direction as soon as they heard our footsteps.

 Both men looked on our direction as soon as they heard our footsteps

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"You're back, young master." one of the men said.

"...and you're being too formal, hyung." Jiyong hyung said, rolling his eyes, as we walked by the man who was staring at me intently.

"Ani... May I know who's with you young master?" the man asked again.

"Aish, hyung... He's a friend, okay. He won't tell on mom so please be casual." Jiyong hyung said, a bit agitated.

"Ne, Jiyong-ssi."

"By the way, Seungri, this is Lee Dongwook hyung. That other one is Gong Yoo hyung. My mom appointed them as my personal bodyguard. They're more like a real brother to me. We went through puberty together." Jiyong hyung said with a laugh and continued, "Hyung, this is Seungri. He's one of my guy friends."

"Boyfriend? Jiyong-ah. You have way too much boyfriend already. Leave the innocent boy alone." Dongwook hyung said.

"Hyung! I said guy friend! Not boyfriend! And no, I don't have a boyfriend!" Jiyong hyung half-shouted.

"Okay okay. I was just teasing Seungri-ssi. See, he looks like a tomato." Dongwook hyung said with a laugh.

"Aish... This hyung..." Jiyong hyung said. He grabbed my wrist and led me to his room upstairs. As soon as we approached the door to his room, it opened automatically.

"Wah, daebak!"  I exclaimed as we entered his room. I roamed my eyes in amazement as I gather my thoughts to think of any other word to say other than 'wow'. We have only been here for about ten seconds but I think I have said 'wow' and 'daebak' a few hundred times.

Okay I was exaggerating, but if you were in my position, you'll definitely be doing the same thing I am doing right now.

"You can sit wherever you like, Seungri. Let me just gather my things." Jiyong hyung said, pulling me out of my reverie.

"Ne. Hyung, your home is amazing by the way. Its so beautiful and elegant."

"Thanks. My parents gave this to me on my 21st birthday."

"Wah, you must be really rich hyung. Your bedroom itself is the same size as my whole apartment."

"A-ani..." he said, scratching the back of his head while smiling coyly.

The one that got away (re-writing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ