chapter 29

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I came back inside after taking my call. Wish I could just throw all my gadgets and just spend time with her ! I was smiling thinking what she might be doing without me alone. As vowed herself not to have alcohol at all! That's silly though !

The sight in front of me made me boil with anger ! My Meera is holding that stupid bartender by collar who is protesting to leave him is about to kiss!

What the fuck is happening here?!

"Meera!." I shouted running to her.

"Why are so many Arjun's here?." She asked looking at me.

"What did you give her ?!." I barked at bartender.

"Sir , virgin vodka." he replied timidly.

"Who the fuck asked you to serve her ? ! And what is this virgin vodka???!." I barked at him leaning on the counter holding Meera by arm with one hand.

"Ssiir it's vodka only just different name for it .. mam asked me to serve her." he replied looking down.

"I ordered fruit punch for her dumbass! How much percent alcohol does it have?." I asked him holding Meera by waist who's punching me continuously.

"Sirr it has about 70% I think , you didn't mention who will be drinking fruit punch sir." he said .

" You think 70% ? Way to ruin my holiday! Idiot !." I barked at him again.

"I whaant tuh goh froh here." she slurred falling on me.

"Yes baby , I will take you." I said lovingly glaring at him.

I carried her through the crowd and placed on floor trying to find some water or atleast a waiter who could bring me.

"Arjun ! Let's have some fun!" She giggled circling her hands around me.

"No Meera you are too drunk !." I said holding her close. She looks extremely cute.

She pouted and said "Oh-ho is it?."

I wanted to carry her back and tuck her in but I remembered something and let go of that thought.

"Come on , what do you want to do now?." I asked her enthusiastically.

Her eyes lit up and she jumped  "I wanna dance , make out with you, and so much fun!." With that said she ran from there.

Make out with me? My Meera has some wild desires in her ! I shouldn't have agreed to let her enjoy now that she made sure I ran after her. She went inside some restaurant directly pushing doors and stood on one of the chairs in it with me trying to bring her down .

"Helloooo world! And hellloooo Moto!." She said pointing at some fat guy who's looking at her . He immediately got up to pick up a fight and I had to apologise and explain him the nature of situation. She ran from there to lobby standing beside some statue and posed like it .

"Arjun! Take pictures of me ! Now!." She shouted and started posing for every statue even with a plant !

I was shooting video at the same time clicking pictures of her , she was unstoppable!

"Muuuaaahhhh Arjun ! Hiiii! Knock knock do you love me?." She asked waving at my camera and tapping it .

I chuckled . "Yes I do Meera." I answered her .

" I love myself toooo." she shouted hugging me.

" Do you love me Meera?. " I asked her still shooting video of her.

She stopped whatever she was doing with her big innocent eyes looked at me and said
"More than you can imagine Arjun."

With that said , she ran outside . I walked behind her.She paused and waited for me to reach her
"Let's go to beach." she said holding my hand.

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