q for quiz

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"Do I really have to do this?" Lin, confused as to why he was cornered by the Schuyler sisters, asked. They had an hour before the matinée of the day, and Renée and Jasmine (along with Phillipa, who they had to convince) were planning to take advantage of that time.

"I find it really stupid too, don't worry." Pippa said, earning a small smack from Jazzy beside her.

"Don't be mean. We're just bored."

"And curious." Renée added, taking out some papers from her bag. "Me and Jas listed a few questions ahead—"

"You guys are really taking this quiz seriously?" Lin laughed, "I was literally just joking when I said that I would probably get the perfect score if you'd quiz me on stuff about Pip, you know."

"No turning back now. Here we go!" Renée exclaimed, scanning over the list.

"Okay. When and where was your first date with her?" The youngest Schuyler asked, leaning over as she waits for Lin's answer.

"January 16. A pizza place in the Heights. 7pm. Pip came late because she got lost." He answered immediately, surprising Renée and Jasmine but not Phillipa, who simply rolled her eyes and smiled at the memory.

"That was quick. Can you confirm, P?"

Phillipa nodded at Renée, confirming his answer.

"Best birthday of my life." He added, grinning at his wife who took his hand and squeezed it with a soft smile, Renée and Jazzy squealing in the background.

"Anyway," Jas laughed, "Next question."

"How did you two meet?"

"Well, Née, we actually had different versions of meeting which I'm sure you're aware about." He stated, twisting his wedding ring around. "I was at JFK. I went to buy Ron's book in a shop there when she literally was about to take it from me since there was only one copy left. We fought until she gave up. Then the next time we really met was years later at a coffee shop to discuss about the show. And coincidentally, I brought Mr. Chernow's book that time."

"When Pip told us that, we really found it ironic. Like, what the hell?" Jasmine shook her head, still in disbelief at how something like that could happen. "Like, I didn't have to fight over a book the show is based off to date Anthony."

"Karma? I don't know..." Phillipa giggled, now taking out her phone to check her emails. "What he forgot to mention though was that I borrowed the book from him that day and he actually asked me for my number so that I'll know 'when to return the book.' Smooth, Manuel."

"Oh my god," Lin cringed and ran a hand through his hair. "Did I? What the fuck?"

"Don't be embarrassed, Lin. Now, you two are one of the cutest Broadway couples thanks to your smooth operating," Renée said, chuckling along with Jasmine who searched for another question to ask.


Everyone jumped in their seat, startled by Jasmine's sudden scream. She showed the question to Renée who in turn screams as well, high-fiving Jazzy and then facing the couple.

"O...kay?" Pippa pressed her lips into a line, confused as to why her best friends were excited.

Lin grabbed a bottle of water which he twists open and drinks from as he waited for the question, a little intrigued with the whole thing.

"How many times have you guys had sex?"

Lin snorted out his water at Jasmine's question, blushing red as he closes the bottle while Phillipa helps him wipe the spill. She gave her sisters a raise of an eyebrow as Lin's face continued to heat up.

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