c for crazy

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If Christopher Jackson didn't think Lin Miranda was crazy before, he thought so now.

"A musical about a founding father? You crazy, man." Chris laughed, slapping his best friend in the back.

Lin was serious.

When Chris realized this, he awkwardly stoped the laughs escaping from his lips and eventually closed his mouth.

"I thought you'd like to check out some of the parts I've written. Me, Tommy and Lac are thinking of you being George Washington or something." Lin said, turning his phone off before slipping it into his pocket.

"Oh, so you're serious." Chris mumbled, earning raised eyebrows from Lin. The latter walked away from the former, only to be stopped by Chris.

"I was kidding, man. Sign me in." He said, pushing back all the bad things he had heard about the past general and president. He should be thankful that his friend thought about him.

"Thanks, Jackson." Lin said, smiling at his friend before checking his phone once again. "I just have to wait for some news about the leading actress I need, though."

Chrisopher's eyes shot up. "You're looking for an actress?"

"Yeah. I need someone with a voice of an angel, you know?"

Chris snapped his fingers. "I think I just met a lady with that exact description. Ever heard of Great Comet?"


"Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812?"

"Oh, yeah, I've heard of it. Haven't seen it, though. Why?"

"I was invited to see one performance and the lead has such a great voice, Lin. You should check the show out with Tommy or something. It's really good."

When Chris thought something was good, Lin would always believe it, trusting his friend with all his heart.

"Sure, Chris. I'll check it out soon."

Chris smiled. "Cool, man."

As their conversation continued to die out later that night, Christopher's wife called, saying she needed him for something important.

"Gotta go, Lin. See you, bro."

The two actors nod at each other before leaving to go their seperate ways. He had already called Thomas about what Chris had suggested and he agreed. Lin proceeded to buy a couple tickets to the show before heading back to his own apartment.

Lin and Tommy were on their way to watch the show when they had spotted a poster about it, complete with the title and a picture of a woman holding a glass up. Lin stares at it for a moment, starting to get excited to see it. Maybe Chris was more than right.

He and Tommy talked for a while before the show started, watching the people around them shuffling to their seats before the performance began.

It ended almost as quick as it began, and Lin was still wide eyed because of the whole performance. He proceeded to stand and clap when the actors went to a spot where everyone could see them to take their bow, particularly clapping endlessly for the lead actress. Her voice was beautiful. Heck, she was beautiful, and he knew Tommy thought so as well.

He brought Lin to the area where they could get to talk to the cast, because Tommy had called up some people he knew and arranged a small meeting with the lead actress in particular.

"Phillipa Soo was the name I had read and heard, by the way. Her voice is killer, right?" Tommy said, and Lin nods.

"She'd be a perfect Eliza, and Lac agrees, having seen the show before." Thomas stated as they continue to find the Natasha of the musical, going through the clutter of people before finding the actress smiling at some fans.

Lin couldn't help but freeze when he stopped in front of the woman. Tommy noticed this and nudged him, raising an eyebrow. Lin clears his throat.

"Hi, Ms. Soo. I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda and this is Thomas Kail." Lin held out his hand for her which she gladly shook before shaking Tommy's.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Miranda and Mr. Kail. Please, call me Pippa." She smiled, a beautiful smile which Lin couldn't help but secretly blush to. What's going on with me?

"We know that as of right now, you're pretty busy, but we have our contact numbers here which we'd like to give you. We're looking for an actress to come in and read some lines of the script in our new musical, and we thought you'd be perfect for it. Please give us a call when you're free." Tommy said before handing her a piece of paper with contact numbers and other information.

"Will do. Thank you so much for thinking about me." She shot them one more smile before excusing herself to her dressing room, leaving Lin looking down at the hand she shook. He laughed at himself for having a small crush on Miss Soo, only having met her that night. He guessed that was proof enough that she'd make a great Elizabeth Hamilton.

"So what did you think?" Chris asked the next day when they met up at a small café, taking a sip of his coffee.

Lin couldn't take in any longer. He had kept his opinion in him the whole night, and he needed to spill it to someone. Chris was the perfect person.

"She's amazing, Chris. Her voice is perfect. She can really hit the high notes she had. Her acting skills are top-notch, and... She's really beautiful." He mumbled the last sentence, but Chris caught it all and started to laugh at Lin's flushed face.

"I was actually asking about the show but I guess you really like the actress." Chris smirked when he sees his friend frowning. "Hey little homie, don't get so upset!"

"Shut up," Lin replied, shaking his head repeatedly because of the Heights reference Chris had snuck in, but ended up chuckling as well because of his best friend.

"I thought you were crazy for making this musical, but I guess you're crazy for the future lead actress now, huh?"

Lin rolls his eyes but cursed. It was true.

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