i for ironic

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She was running out of time. Pippa knew that if she didn't hurry, she'd be late for her flight.

She clutched her suitcase tighter as she rolls it across the floor. The terminal was packed with people as usual, and the fact that she had to wait in line doesn't make her feel any better.

Right then, she spotted her cousin. She immediately walks towards him and asked him to check in for her while she goes and buys a couple of things. He nodded, and soon, Pippa was off.

Being the bookworm she is, Phillipa wanted to read a book as she stayed in her hometown. But, being the forgetful person she is, she forgot to grab one from the shelf of the untouched books she promised she'd read. With all that's happened lately, she never got the chance.

She found a little shop that sold shirts, books, food and such. As she looked around the shop, she thought she'd never find the right book to read until she saw it.

One copy left. I got lucky!

She quickly dragged her suitcase towards where the book was, completely excited over the fact she found a cool one. When she reached over and grabbed it, something wouldn't let her take it.

"What the..?"

She realized that someone else was holding the book as well, and he was furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Um... I found this book first." Pippa said, hoping he'd let go of the book, but the man wouldn't budge.

"No, I think you must be mistaken. I got ahold of it first, you see." He said, pulling the book towards himself but cursing when the woman in front of him pulled it back unexpectedly.

"I'm really sorry sir, but I'm gonna be late for my flight, and—"

"So go, before you'll be late! Just give me the book and—"

So it happened. The two started playing tug of war, neither of them planning to let go of the thick book. Pippa even tried to resonate with the man but he still didn't give it up.

"There are many other books in the sea, miss!"

"You messed up the quote!"

Before the man could make a comeback, an announcement was made through the PA system.

"Flight 9H: Boarding. Flight 9—"

Phillipa cursed, not bothering to argue anymore as she let go of the book, grabbed her suitcase and ran to the boarding area to find her cousin. It's gonna be a looong flight.

Years later, Pippa Soo found herself at the steps of a tiny coffee shop somewhere in New York, waiting for a man who had called her up a few days ago, asking to meet up with her. The only reason she had agreed was simply because the man was a friend of her cousin, and her cousin says the man is completely trustworthy. But as it struck 3:45PM, fifteen minutes after their agreed time, she couldn't help but doubt that anyone was coming at all.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Soo?"

Phillipa turned to see a man who was looking down at his phone. "I'm really sorry for coming in late. My friend was supposed to meet you here but he had some errands to run the last minute so I..."

His last word trailed off when he looked up from his phone and meets her eyes. The two opened their mouth to speak, but no words came out.

They both didn't know why, but they could remember each other really well. They both remembered the want of getting that book in that shop in the airport. And they didn't even know each other.

"Ah yes, that's me. Phillipa Soo." She finally said as she shook his hand, still not able to grasp the situation. How... coincidental. No, that's not the word.

"I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda." He said, shaking his head because of how surprising it all was.

The two just stood there for a while, still a bit shocked. Imagine meeting up with someone you never knew, only having had one conversation probably more than half a decade ago. And it wasn't even a good conversation.

"The weird thing is..." Lin said, taking something from his bag, "I brought this."

There it was, in his hands, Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow.

Suddenly, she found the right word to explain it all.

"How ironic." She said, letting out a laugh as she stared at the book.

"Right?" He replied, laughing as they enter the coffee shop. And that was that.

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