o for oops

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Lin was exhausted.

It was currently a few minutes before eight and the cab he was in wasn't even near to his apartment at all. Earlier, he had spent hours checking a huge amount of papers, mildly regretting the fact that he actually gave his students the quiz. His hands were extremely sore now from checking all of it. And there were a lot.

The rain went down the sky stronger than it did a few minutes ago, disturbing the English teacher from his nap. He yawned as he opens his eyes, eventually getting annoyed at how loud the rain was.

"I can't wait to lay down on that bed of mine," He grumbled to himself, adjusting the seat belt he was wearing. As he did so, he and the driver suddenly jolt forward, much to their surprise.

"Shit!" The driver exclaimed, seeing that after the jolt, his car was moving slower each second. Slower... slower... and finally, it stopped.

"Oh, what the fuck?" Lin groaned then sighed. He was already tired, and now this happens?

"I'll call for help. I think I know who can help us." The driver said as he looked around for his phone, eventually finding it under his seat. Lin cursed and threw his head back in frustration. He was tired and hungry!

After a few seconds of the driver talking to his friend on the phone, he dropped the call and faced the teacher. "He says that help will come in half an hour."

This frustrated Lin to the bone. His stomach was continuously growling for food, and his body was in need of a rest. The rain pounding down on the car was no help at all, either.

Thinking about just giving up and remaining in his seat, Lin looked out one of the window only to spot something extremely familiar. Leaning closer to the window, his mind confirmed that he was in front of the building where the apartment of Ms. Soo, the Music teacher at the school he was also teaching in, was located.

"Uh... You know what? Here," He handed the driver a random amount of money, distracted. "Keep the change."

When he closed the door to the taxi, his clothes were quickly drenched with rain water. He held his bag over his head as he ran to the entrance of the building, regretting his decision as he quickly took his jacket off once he arrived. At least he was under the shade now.

Lin could feel his eyes wanting to close as he got nearer to his friend's apartment, but the feeling of a blush forming on his cheeks was stronger. Okay, so he had a little crush on Phillipa, but that wasn't what was important right now. He was really hoping that he'd let her stay for awhile while waiting for the rain to stop. Maybe he'd even try to make a move on h—

Lin, I know you're just a single potato right now but you really should just keep this friendly, he thought, wiping off the sweat that was forming on his forehead. Of course he was nervous.

I'm not nervous, he denied, cursing when he finally reaches her door. Okay, maybe I am, but I really shouldn't let my feelings ruin our great friendship, you know?

Friends. That's what we are. Just friends.

He knocked on the door, praying that she'd answer and welcome him to stay for a bit. He clutched unto his wet and dripping jacket as he waited, feeling sleepier each second.

"Oh my god, Lin!"

The door opened and Lin was faced with what he always thought was an angel, looking beautiful as always. He mustered up a small smile to Pippa who looked at him with a worried expression, obviously saddened by the bags under his eyes and his wet clothes.

"Hey, Pip. The taxi I was in broke down and I'm really exhausted. Stayed at school checking a shit ton of papers." He laughed, running a hand through his damp hair to distract himself from looking at her. She still looks so hot even with a messy bun and no makeup on...

Shut up, Lin!

"Well, come on in, Lin. See what I did there? I rhymed Lin with in because..."

The woman may be great when it comes to music, but she makes horrible jokes, he thought, laughing at her joke anyway and thanking her. He always knew she was kind, but he was still surprised that he actually let him in.

"You want something to eat? I can get you a sandwich if you want..."

"If you don't mind," He smiled.

"Not at all. I just prepared one for myself actually but you can have it since I'm not really hungry anymore."

Without thinking about it, he took her hand and squeezed it, grateful for her hospitality. "Thank you, Pippa."

He spotted her blushing for a bit before he lets her hand go. He took a seat on the couch as she left for the kitchen, the soft cushion feeling so relieving.

"Are you allergic to anything?" She asked from the kitchen.

Not getting to see you enough, that's what I'm allergic to, he thought before he could stop himself, rolling his eyes at his lovesickness. Maybe it wasn't just a tiny crush...


"Huh? Oh, yeah— no, no, it's fine. No allergies." He managed to stutter out, already disappointed in himself. Don't embarrass yourself in front of her, Lin!

"Here it is," Pippa said when she emerges from the kitchen, taking a seat beside Lin. "Hope you enjoy!"

"Thank you, again. I owe you a lot." He replied. He then took a bite of the sandwich, grateful to have finally eaten something for the first time that night.

"I can tell you're really tired, Lin. Do you want to stay with me for the night?"

Lin's eyes grew wide as he chewed the sandwich.

"Oh god... I didn't mean it like that, I swear, I meant, uh—"

"No, no, it's okay, I get it." Lin said in an attempt to calm her, and honestly himself as well, in their current situation. Pippa was blushing like mad while Lin couldn't stop the thought of 'staying with her' for the night flashing through his head.

The two stay silent for a while. Lin finished off the small sandwich as she bit her lip, still feeling embarrassed. She realized that her messy bun was getting too loose so she decides to fix it, mostly because she wanted to distract herself. She let her hair down and combed through it using the fingers of one of her hands.

Lin was at awe. She would rarely let her hair down at work and every time she did was a blessing to Lin. She always looked so perfect, she was always so kind...

He couldn't resist. His fingers slowly intertwined with her free hand, his eyes not leaving her wonderful brown ones. She was surprised by his action, but she didn't move, not even a bit. Without hesitating, his lips met hers with compassion, feeling perfect in every way. He was surprised that she didn't let go...

Later on, though he didn't want to, Lin slowly pulled away, the tips of their noses touching.

"Oh my god," she whispered.


Was I a bad kisser? he thinks. It's not like I get a lot of practice!

"You kissed me." She stated, meeting his eyes.

"Yeah... Oops?" He said with a sly smile, not regretting what he did. Maybe she felt the same. Hopefully...

Without a warning, their lips met once again, but this time, with fierceness. Pippa pushed him down the couch, Lin hands roaming under her pieces of clothing.

One thing led to another, and Lin actually did end up staying with her for the night.

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