h for home

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"Good morning, Phillipa. If it isn't the loveliest girl in the place." Lin sang and blowed Pippa's stray strands of hair away from her face as her eyes flickered open. It seemed like a normal morning for them, yet, it wasn't.

The two were actually on their way to the Richard Rogers theater for an early morning rehearsal, and Pippa was definitely not up for it.

Even if she didn't want to wake up, she knew she had to, hearing the taxi's tires screeching against the road near the theater. After the taxi driver handed over their change, the two were on their feet, walking towards and inside the cool theater.

"Wait—did you seriously just quote your own show on me?" Phillipa asked when she was fully awake, now realizing what her pretend husband had just said earlier.

Lin shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?"

She thought about it. "Hm... You're right. Why not?"

Lin stopped on his tracks, confused. "What do you mean?"

"You'll find out later. It's only a matter of time." She replied, a smug look on her face before waving her boyfriend goodbye and walking away.

Lin, immediately getting the reference, crosses his arms. He shouted across the hall, "Oh, bring it on, Soo!"

Pippa turned back, stuck her tongue out at him and continues to walk to her dressing room, laughing to herself. Today is going to be an interesting day.

"Five minutes, Kail. Thanks." Lin saed to the director before walking backstage to get some water to drink. "Hey Pip,"

His girlfriend, who was yawning, faced the actor and forced a small smile for him, a tired look still plastered on her face. "Hey Lin. I'm still exhausted because of the party last night, but I'm putting so much effort in the run-through, I swear."

Lin nodded, filling up the cup he had with water from the water dispenser. He then raised it up to his lips, sipping at it. Pippa rubbed her eyes before continuing.

"I feel like a dead girl walking."

Lin almost choked, immediately lowering the cup. He needed to think of a comeback, and he needed it fast. "C'mon, don't be like that." He said, wrapping an arm around her and throwing his now empty cup in the trash can. "We'll go out for lunch later, kay? My treat. For now, stay alive."

He kissed her cheek before walking away. He knew it was a simple reference, but he couldn't help but laugh when he could feel her eyes on him and her thoughts trying to think of a reply but failing to do so. This wasn't the first time the couple had a musical/song reference challenge and Lin, of course, won in all the other times they had done this challenge but Phillipa wasn't backing down this time.

For now, she sighed in defeat. "Thanks anyway, Lin. I'll see you later."

"What can I say except 'you're welcome'?" He stated from across the hall, smirking at her before proceeding to walk onstage, leaving a wide-eyed Pippa behind.


Taking a few steps back, Lin faced the actress across the hall. "Are we gonna have a problem?"

She clenched her jaw, staring him down before he walks away once again, him now having a smug look on his face.

She wasn't gonna lose. Paciencia y fe, Pip.

Lunch break eventually came and the couple were on their way to get lunch at a nearby restaurant.

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