.: Epilogue :.

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Unknown POV

It is impossible to put into words how happy Connor was to get out of that horrid place. Six months he had spent in the facility, called Regional School for Young Adults, or something close to this, and he was ready to get out. He had seen Evan all of twice during the time he spent there, due to "School Policy", and had been forced to address everyone by ma'am or sir. 

He was finally going home. At last. 

It would be the best birthday present he had ever gotten for many reasons, as you'll see later.

As Connor packed his stuff, he gladly threw the stupid uniform he had to wear on the ground, disregarding it completely already. He put the last piece of his own clothing inside his suitcase, and zipped it shut, enjoying the sound of the zipper closing. 

He rolled his suitcase down the hall, seeing his mother and sister at the end of the hall, and beginning to speedwalk. He embraced them both. 

After pulling away, he asked, "Where's Larry?" Cynthia smiled gently. 

"We've been divorced for about 2 months now." She answered. Connor gasped. 

"Wait, really?" He asked. Cynthia nodded, adding, "I might have found someone new. I think you'll quite like him." 

"That's great, Mom." Connor smiled, noticing his choice of words. 

"I was thinking you could surprise Evan." Zoe finally spoke, "We didn't tell him you'd be coming home." 

"Sounds good," Connor responded, smiling. They walked out of the facility, and Connor asked, "Do you guys still talk?" 

"Of course we do," Zoe smirked. Connor laughed. They got in the car and began driving the long drive back home. 


They finally reached the sign that shows our city, one that Connor has not seen in so long. He saw signs he remembered seeing all those months ago, smiling as if he was visiting some sort of nostalgia. Cynthia turned the street that Evan's house lied on. She stopped the car and gets out along with Connor and Zoe. All of them went to the door and Connor did the honor of knocking. Evan opened the door, not knowing who it could be until he saw Connor and leapt at him. Connor was nearly knocked over. He hugged Evan tighter than ever before and smiled bigger than life. 

"Hi." Connor managed to say, pulling away from Evan. 

"Hi," Evan repeated, smiling. 

The boys hugged once again and stayed like that for quite a while. They loved each other, and it was evident. 

"How's my succulent?" Evan asked. 

"I hoped you'd forget." Connor laughed nervously. 

"Why?" Evan giggled along. 

"It sort of- it died." Connor chuckled. 

"That's okay. Now I know who'll be taking care of the plants in our future apartment." Evan smiled. 

"Apartment?" Connor's face scrunched up in confusion. 

"Yeah. I've saved up a bit. I got a job like, a month ago. It's not a ton of money, but I figured maybe we could both get jobs, whenever you came back, and we could live together." Evan smiled adorably. 

"Awesome." Connor chuckled, "How come you started before?" 

"I couldn't wait." Evan giggled. 

The two boys went inside and hung out with Zoe and Cynthia for the rest of the day. Connor departed from the house and took a look up at the star-speckled sky. He smiled. The stars had met, and he was finally home.

Home with Evan.
Home with family.
Home at last.

And he couldn't be happier. 

Well that was quick oops

At least you don't have to wait right?????
Well not a ton of time at least. 
I love you all 

and yeah.
I'll have a qna chapter up tomorrow??

A Fill-In Friend || Dear Evan Hansen [EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora