.: Five :.

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A/N: I just want to say how incredibly amazed at how Dear Evan Hansen did at the Tony's. I'm writing this the day after, though you may get this several days after the Tony's. I also wanted to recognize- 150 reads?! What the hell? Anyway, I'm extremely happy it's getting this much feedback! I really enjoy writing this, and I'm glad you guys enjoy reading it. And here is the chapter. 
[edit]: i remember when i didn't understand all the "falsettos got robbed" stuff lmao

Connor's POV

I stand there, staring Evan through his dull eyes full of thought. I can imagine a "how could you?" facial expression on my face right now. Evan doesn't say a thing. Zoe's smirk just angers me further.

Everything that I have, Zoe has to have too. And it pisses me off. Zoe pisses me off. Her damn smirk pisses me off. 

I try to breathe a little, but it doesn't help. 

"What the fuck?" I ask her angrily.

"What, I can't have the same friends as you now?" She asks in reply. 

"Evan was my closest attempt at some sort of a friend, and now you're here.

"We can share." Zoe raises an eyebrow. I say nothing. I walk out, hearing her footsteps behind me.

"What, you don't like sharing?" Zoe taunts. I practically shove her into her car door. She opens it swiftly, getting in. I get in the passenger seat, glaring at the blue sky above. No words are exchanged on the route back home, and I'm fine with that. I'm more than fine with that. I tap my knee repetitively, getting nervous for some reason. Eventually, my tapping escalates to bunching my jeans angrily with my hand. As soon as Zoe pulls into the driveway of our large house, I open the door and throw myself out despite the car still moving. I fall to the pavement, getting up immediately after and ignoring my scraped palms and now ripped black jeans. 

"You're home! How was-" I hear Cynthia start. I quickly walk upstairs, sifting through my shirt drawer until I hit the bottom. I feel around for a plastic bag that contains a green substance–weed. Upon finding it, I pull it out, shoving it in my hoodie's pocket. I jog back down the stairs keeping an eye on my own feet as I do. 

"Connor, sweetie, what's wrong?" Cynthia moves toward me slowly. 

"Nothing. I'm going out. And I'm taking the car." I command. 

"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Cynthia pushes on. 

"I'm not hungry." 

"Are you sure? I can make you something else-"

"I already told you, I'm not hungry, goddamnit!" I ball my hands into fists repetitively, starting back towards the front door. 

"Be back by-" She starts. 

"I'm not going to 'be back' anytime soon! Why don't you leave me alone and let me go!?" I dash towards the door, swiftly grabbing my dad's car keys and out of the door. I let nothing stop me as I climb into the car, turning the ignition on and speeding out of the driveway. I drive until I'm moderately calm. My phone, in which I put on silent hours before, has all but one notification. A text message. 

Evan: Did you know that the world's largest tree, the Giant Sequoia, can grow to be as tall as an average 26-story building? 

I blink at the text. No context, just a fact about some stupid tree that I've never even fucking heard of. I text back after a few moments of contemplating what to respond with. 

Connor: and you're telling me this why

I put my phone down, digging the weed back out of my pocket. I take some out, roll it up, and fish the car for a lighter of some sort. Luckily, I find one, and I light the blunt. (A/N- Never thought I'd ever write anything with describing smoking weed in it. This is definitely a first.[edit]: i really doubt this is written correctly please help) I inhale the smoke, holding the toxins in for a moment before blowing it back out. I watch as the smoke slowly wisps away. Stars begin to dot the ever changing sky. Soon, I am completely relaxed, and I grab my phone, seeing another text from Evan. 

Evan: I was bored. And I don't know how to start conversations. 

Connor: i never knew that you were supposed to assign jobs to people you're trying to mingle with

Evan: I never knew you weren't supposed to assign jobs to people you're trying to mingle with.

Connor: we're both inexperienced. 

Evan: At wat?

Evan: Sorry, what*

Connor: the whole friendship thing and don't spell what like that please. 

Evan: What are you doing right now?

Connor: if i told you you'd probably freak out and call the cops on me

Evan: Are you doing something illegal?

Connor: no, that's why I just said you'd call the cops

Evan: Oh, okay. 

Connor: yes, I'm doing something illegal. 

Evan: What are you doing?

Connor: none of your business.

Evan: i'm signing my own cast. 

Connor: that's fucking sad. 

Evan: I know. But I'm bored. 

Connor: don't you have parents to hang out with

Evan: no

Connor: you seem like the type who would want to hang out with their parents

Evan: I dont thing so

Evan: Think*

Evan: I hate autocorrect.

Connor: me too, me too. 

Evan: Wish me luck, I ordered pizza and I think it's here. 

Connor: I'm gonna go. I have a long drive home. 

[Read at 11:26 PM]

I throw my phone down gently, looking out of the windshield at my surroundings. I have no idea where the fuck I am. Cue the phone calls from my parents. Probably not. 

I drive for another couple of hours, using the handy Google Maps (edit: not sponsored lmao) to get home. I quickly check the time on my phone before it dies. 

2:17 AM. Shit. 

In terms of Larry, I was screwed. Cynthia, though, couldn't care less. 

I'm hoping Larry's asleep. 

I carefully open the front door, hoping it doesn't creak loudly. The house is dark, so I get the impression I can come in. I place the keys back on the keyring, carefully heading up the stairs and toward my room. I successfully make it to my room without waking anyone, and I let out a huff of relief when I shut the door. I practically collapse on my bed, turning my phone on. 

Evan: (4 New Messages)

I shake my head jokingly and open the messaging app on my phone. 

Evan: i was an awkward mess

Evan: Help

Evan: Connor

Evan: Connor are you dead

I laugh a bit to myself. I quickly reply though I doubt he'll reply. 

Connor: i'm not dead, i told you i had to drive

Connor: and i have terrible sense of direction

Connor: now to sleep i go 

Pressing the small power button on my phone, I let the screen quickly fade to black. I close my eyes as I lean on my side. The quiet surrounds me. The darkness surrounds me. It feels good to have some peace and quiet in this house for just once. 

The darkness envelopes me into a hug, and I fall asleep in its lovely embrace. 

Yo YO yO heheheheehh
I hope you liked this chapter! It was pretty fun to write. I like writing their texts tbh. Anyway, yeah, enjoy this. Have a great day/night!
edit: i sucked at writing texts like no one fuckin texts perfectly except maybe evan

~Alexa <3

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