.: Four :.

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A/N: I was kind of in a half writer's block while writing this, so I hope it's okay! Enjoy!

Evan's POV

"Sweetie, you've got to remember to write those letters to yourself. I know it's quite new to you, but please try to remember today. " My mom reminds me.

"Yeah, I know," I reply timidly. 

"Oh, look at you! A friend, your letters! I'm so proud of you!" 

"Great..." I say, trying to sound enthusiastic. 

"Well, I left money on the counter. Eat, I mean it this time, Evan." She half smiles. She's noticed how I haven't used the money lately. 

"I'm never really all that, I'm never hungry." I look at her in the eyes to show her I'm telling her the truth. 

"Evan, it's unhealthy not to eat. Please, I have to go. Listen to your mother." She walks out the door frantically. I sigh, eyeing the money on the counter.

Soon after, I head out the door, ready to walk to school. I walk the usual route, passing Connor's house.

"I'm walking, Cynthia, it's final!" I hear Connor's voice echo. I continue walking with my head down. I fidget with my shirt as well, my eyes darting up when Connor yells, "Come here."

I walk across the road quickly, when a car beeps out of nowhere, startling me and sending me plummeting towards the ground.

"You should look where you're going, you know," Connor says with a laugh. I get up, close to tears.

"I-I, I'm so sorry!" I manage to say to the driver. He looks angry. Really angry.

"That's Larry for you, now get out of the road, or he'll come out of the car and really yell." Connor laughs it off. I walk out of the road, looking at the floor, scared. A single tear runs from my eye down to my chin.

"Is he your dad?" I ask, my voice wavering a bit as I speak.

"Yeah, but I don't call him that."

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know, okay?" He comes off a bit rude. I bring my non-broken arm up to my chin, wiping away the single tear.

"Did you cry?" Connor chuckles.

"I was scared...," I look away, a bit ashamed.

"I guess I should be nice to my friend." He elbows me softly, and I look up at him.

"You just? You remembered."

"Whatever, let's get into the school, how about that?" I've realized he has a strange way of showing friendship, or whatever he was showing. 

He walks off toward his locker, and I'm caught practically running after him. He stares at me weirdly. 

"Are you, like following me?" He watches my every move with wide eyes. 

"My-um-my locker is right there, I do need to, to get to it." I stammer out and point to the locker beside his. He moves over, and I put in my locker combination. An awkward silence seems to bubble over the both of us and only us. Everyone else is talking normally with their friends. After putting some things in my locker, Connor is still looking at me. 

"Do you need something? BecauseifyouwantmetolikeleaveyoualoneIwillit'sjustIhavemylockernexttoyoursand-"

"Chill, I just spaced out." He looks at me as if I'm insane. 

"Sorry..." I jump as the bell rings, scurrying off. 


"Who invited you at this table?" Jared snaps, and I realize that Connor had sat down. 

A Fill-In Friend || Dear Evan Hansen [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now