New Realm

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     I stared at the two men. The two traitors. The people I believed in. Valkry soon stepped up and started clapping, slowly.

"Bravo, Finn." He chuckled, "You finally did something right for once."

"How could you? I believed in you. I thought I could trust. I SAVED YOU!!" I yelled.

"And that was your stupid mistake." Valkry said, "Let me make this straight for you. You are a powerful being-"

"I'm a Guardian." I said.

"Wrong. You are not a Guardian. Hell, you're more powerful then those Sap Suckers. I don't even know what you are."

"But I have ambers in my veins." I cried pointing at my wrist.

"Those weren't ambers you idiot, they were Fire Blems."

"So you lied to me? This WHOLE TIME?!?" I yelled.

"Yes, you're just as gullible and ignorant as your mother."

     Valkry started laughing and Eragon started to step back. I could feel the earth beneath me burn, leaving black marks, but then, it left. I broke down to the ground and cried.

     I looked up to see Dread looking at Valkry, rage filling his eyes. He ran over to Valkry with inhuman speed and pinned him by the neck to the ground.

"This isn't over you Sick, Twisted Bastard." Dread spat on Valkry's face and got up, "C'mon Finn."

     Dread helped me up and we flew to Black Swarm where Clara, Payton, and Gee were waiting for our return.


Dread lined up the girls and they did as so. A black flame with white tips consumed his hand and held it up to each of their eyes for three seconds. They stood there for an hour.

"Is this how long I was out?" I asked.

"Not really...something really tragic must've happened to them for them to be out this long." Dread said, "You only took 'bout twenty minutes."

Gee was the first to awake. She stood there for a couple of seconds. Then, she fell to her knees and cried. I walked over and sat beside her. I put my arm around her shoulders and hugged her tightly.

"W-Why would-" She hiccuped, "He do-do this?"

"What did you see?" I asked.

"He t-tort-ured my fa-" She gasped for breath, "ther and when he was al-almost dead, he-he threw him to the-the wolves-"

All of a sudden a loud, monstrous roar erupted outside. Trembling the ground, and making some rocks fall.

"What was that?!" Gee asked.

"Black Mauls. We must leave." Dread said.

"Where?! The Oracle hates me and will possibly kill me if they find me in their realms and we can't go back to that backstabbing bastard." I said.

"We'll to my realm." Dread said picking up Clara and Payton.

"Which is?!" Me and Gee asked.

"The GlitchWorld." Dread said.

As soon as he said that a pixelated portal appeared behind him. Another roar came from outside, closer this time. We all ran through the portal.

To Be Continued...

Finnex and The ShadowWorld Warriors [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now