Attack Of The OverWorld

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     I flew down where Eragon was. As soon as I did I noticed there was two bodies next to him. I recognized them, they were on the training ground. I looked over and saw trees that blended into a path.
"Go get Clara." I told Dax.
     He barked and flew off. I looked at Eragon, then I heard a blast come from the trail. I saw Clara fly down beside me along with Dax.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"I don't know." I said, "Take Eragon to your home, and fix him up. Take Dax too."
"Okay." She said.
Clara grabbed Eragon and slung him over her shoulder. They flew off as they did the ground shook along with another blast. I saw a mob of people run from the trail. I ran over to the trail having my arm get caught by someone grabbing me.
"D-Don't go in there. Who ever you're looking for-" I cut them off.
"What's going on?" I said.
"It's OverWorlders, two of them and a Cerberus!" The person said.
I made them let go and I ran down the path. Another blast was heard, I sped up, and eventually came up on a giant field that was had craters everywhere. I saw Gee with another girl fighting off a giant Cerberus.
The other girl was a werewolf. She had black ears and a black tail with a red tip. Her eyes were gleaming orange red. She wore a red shirt with a leather jacket and blue jean shorts. As well a fox tooth necklace and a pierced ear.
She fired an arrow that was on fire from a crossbow. It hit the one of Cerberus' eyes and it yelped.
"Good job Payton-FINNEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Gee yelled.
"I'm here to help!" I yelled back.
I ran up to the Cerberus and jumped on its back.
"ARE YOU INSANE?!?" Gee yelled.
"Yep." I mumbled.
I summoned a dagger and stabbed the beast's back. It yelped and growled, the heads started snapping at me. The werewolf, Payton, shot another eye.
With that the Cerberus knocked me off and flew to the ground. I gasped for air. I could feel myself passing out. Till I heard a scream from Gee. I looked up and saw she was out.
I growled and shot up.
"HEY!!!" I yelled.
The Cerberus looked at me. I flew upward, I could feel my wings growing and blue and green fire came from my hands.
"How 'bout you fight this." I said.
A giant crack in the ground formed and a skeleton dragon flew out. The wings were made of green flames. It roared a roar that shook the ground.
The dragon dived at the Cerberus and picked it up from the ground. The dragon flew upward and threw the Cerberus down. Flames came out of the dragon's mouth and burnt the Cerberus to a crisp.
     The dragon disappeared along with the crack. I saw two figures in the trees. I could hear them talking.
'Koopar they changed her!' I heard.
     I immediately flew down and snatched them from the trees. I knew it Koopar and Rayzi. I glared at them, as they looked at me with fear.
"Why. Are. You. Here?" I said.
"W-We came to take you back F-Finnex." Rayzi said.
"I'm not going back!" I growled.
"Look what you've become Finnex! They've brainwashed you!" Koopar yelled.
     He slapped me across the face. I looked back at him and laughed. The two were freaked out, I ran my fist across Koopar's face. He stumbled backwards.
"Leave now." I said.
"We're not leaving here without you!" Rayzi said, "Even if we die!"
"You're choice." I said.
     She stepped back and Koopar stood in front of her. I could sense Valkry behind me. I raised my hand, a whip formed, I lashed out at his feet and the whip wrapped around his ankles. Koopar fell the ground, shadows started crawling over him, I looked at Rayzi.
     She tried to run, but I caught her and grabbed her by the throat. I twisted it and heard it snap. Her lifeless body fell.
"I can handle some situations on my own, Val." I said.
"I know see that Finn." Valkry said.

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