What You Are Comes With A Price

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"Fine I am The Shadow Guardian.." Valkry said.
"Shadow Guardian? AND NO ONE KNOWS EXCEPT ME, ERAGON, PAYTON, CLARA, AND GEE!!!" I said, "Valkry you have to tell people!"
"No I can't." Valkry said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because The Shadow Guardian is known to be the most dangerous guardian." Gee said.
"We've never told anyone." Clara said.
"Oh so what'll happen if people figure it out?" U asked.
"He'll be taken by the Order of The Guardians." Eragon said leaning against the doorway.
"What are you doing here?" Valkry growled.
"It's okay he's a friend." I said.
"Companion." Eragon said.
"How can we trust a muzzle wearing freak?" Clara asked.
"Says the one with two tail~" Eragon pointed out Clara's reptilian tail and cat tail.
"Hey don't talk to her like that you douchebag!" Gee said.
"And what are you gonna do?" Eragon asked.
"Keep talking and I'll show ya!" Gee threatened.
The two were going at each other's throats. I heard the threats be shot to each other.
"Enough!" I yelled.
     I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. I glared at Eragon and Gee. They backed off of each other, then Clara ran up to me and looked at my eye.
"Valkry come see this!" She said.
"What is it? Holy crap." He said.
"What is it?" I asked.
     Clara got a mirror out of her bag and held it in front of me. My left eye was completely black while the right was red and had a white mist coming out of it.
     Eragon looked out the door and growled.
"Looks like someone tattled.." He said and pointed outside.
     A mob of people were herding towards the hut. Many angry, others scared. There were maybe two dozen men in armor.
"What the bloody hell?!" Gee said.
"Was there anyone outside when you got here Eragon?" Clara asked.
"No I saw no one." Eragon said, "Valkry Hide."
"No, they figured it out." He said.
"Valkry we can explain this!" I said and ran outside.
"Move girl we must get the Shadow Guardian." One of the men said.
"I will not allow it." I said.
"Don't make me use force." The man said.
     I looked at the house and looked right back at the man. I raised my hand towards the hut and a giant serpent slithered around it. The man looked at me in awe, I guess he was the captain.
"You'll have to get through me first." I growled.
     I flew upward and had my wings grow. I looked down and saw archers lining the ground. I heard the word "FIRE!" be yelled. Arrows started flying toward me. I swiped my hand in a circle and fire shot out at the arrows.
"STOP!!!!" I heard.
     I back at the hut and saw Valkry standing there, his shirt was torn off and his wings looked as if they were completely made of shadow. His eyes were glowing bright green.
"Valkry Xerneas. You're coming with us." The captain said.
"As I must." Valkry sighed.
"NO!" I yelled and flew down beside Valkry, "You're not taking him."
"Finn," Valkry sighed, "I have to I get that I'm dangerous."
"No you're not!" I said on the edge of tears.
     He walked up to the crowd and looked at the men. The captain raised his hand and punched Valkry to the ground. I started to run up the captain, but someone was holding me back. I looked back and saw Eragon holding my wrist.
     I looked over and saw the captain putting braces on Valkry's wrists. Valkry looked up and I saw him mouth the words "I'm sorry." and he shed a bright green tear.
     There was black smoke and ye men and armor disappeared...along with Valkry. I ran up to where they were and stumbled there. I curled up into a ball and started to cry. I felt Dax go under my arms and whine. I cried even harder into his soft, black fur.

Finnex and The ShadowWorld Warriors [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now