Fears, Phobias and Bad Memories

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Something felt wrong. Something or someone was watching us. Stalking us. It's a bad feeling. Even Dax feels it. Occasionally I'll look and see me him eyeing the woods. It's weird.
     All of a sudden I hear a cackle. I stopped dead in my tracks. I look back and notice the group wasn't there.
"Guys?" I said.
     Nothing. I heard another cackle, it was more sinister than the last. Dax whined and yelped, but it was distant. Dax was gone. This can't happen. I can't lose everyone again!
"Guys this isn't funny!" I said.
     No answer. I'm alone. My worst fear ever. I lost them. I curled up in a ball. A woman appeared in front of me. She smiled sickly and waved her hand.
     All of a sudden Eragon was in front of me, it was like he couldn't see me. He was fighting off a man. It can't be...
"Why can't you learn Eragon?!" The man said.
"Back off Father!" Eragon yelled.
"ERAGON SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" I yelled.
     It was like he could slightly hear me. Eragon stepped back and grabbed his head, shaking it slightly. His father was coming up on him; fast.
"LOOK OUT!!" I yelled.
     Eragon shot up and punched his father. The woman appeared again. She seemed angry. Then Payton was in front of me. She was in front of a village. It was burning.
"This is all your fault!" A voice hissed.
"I know..." Payton said.
"Then end yourself!" The voice said.
"As I must." She said.
"NO PAYTON STOP!!!" I said.
     Again it was the old woman. M getting tired of her. I lunged at her, but instead I found myself beside Gee. Three little girls were beside her. Dead. Gee was crying.
"I'm so sorry guys. I didn't mean to lose control." She said.
"It's okay Gee." I said, "Don't cry, I'm sure they love you still."
"Finn?" Gee said.
     There again, was the woman. She was quick. I didn't go toward her and I was with Clara.
"FREAK!" "MONSTER!" Angry voices yelled.
"No one loves me!" Clara said.
"Don't listen to them Clara, you're strong." I said.
"Y-You're right!" She said.
     Next, was Drakus. I was in front of him. I had a whip and I was beating him. Me, myself, I!
"Finnex what happened to you?" Drakus asked.
"I am Master not Finnex." 'I' hissed.
"Finnex?" He said.
"YOU ARE FREE!" I yelled.
     Finally it was Valkry. I was in his arms. Dead with dead bodies all around.

     I shot up. Seeing everyone else was awake too. I heard it. The cackle. I looked over and saw the woman. I ran towards her and slammed her to the ground.
     She pushed me off and hit me with her cane. Gee came around her and stabbed her in the back. The woman gasped and turned to ash.
"What was that?" Clara asked.
"I don't know, but we need to go." I said.
"Agreed." They all said.
"Wait where's Dax?" I asked.

Hello Everybody, it's the friendly Umbry here. So I have a shout out for EV (EchoVirus47 ). He has a new book called The Void and it's a very funny book with him and his Egos. As well me, Cat, and Neon (My New Ego). I'll tell ya bout her later.

As always I will see you IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

Remember you can do anything, Mark and Sean believe in you.

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