Chapter Twenty-seven.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Instead, he laughed manically, throwing his head back. "Regret? You'll see who regrets what. Both of you are–"

"Enough! For your own goddamn sake, fuck off and never show yourself to me again, Kim Taehyung. Or I swear, I'll break your face myself," she threatened, and with that, she pulled Jimin along, walking fast and hurried.

It was until that they were inside his apartment, when she sagged against the door, sliding down as she placed her face in her hands, shivering, shaking, everything bad and insecure–

Warm arms wrapped around her petite figure, and pulled her into a strong chest, as she whimpered pitifully. Her voice cracked, and she hiccuped, drawing him closer, burying her face in his chest.

"Shh, baby. You're okay, we're okay now. It's fine, you were so strong, I'm proud of you. It's okay–" and so he filled the silence with his soothing words, soft whispers and sweet nothings into her ear, calming her down.

Sana clung to him, hold tightening, hands fisting in his shirt when he moved even ever so slightly. Jimin was quick to soothe her back, pressing a lingering kiss to the crown of her head, shushing her.

They sat there unmoving until her tears dried, staining her cheeks.

Jimin kissed her head again, after what seemed like hours, he finally spoke, "C'mon baby, let's get you washed up, okay? You can sleep afterwards."

Carefully he lifted her, carrying her, all the while whispering softly to her, calming her in a sense no one could.

Sana could barely bring it in herself to grow abashed or shy when he undressed her with so much finesse, as if one quick or rushed move would break her.

Even as he lowered her in the bathtub full of warm water, he sat close to the tub, assisting her in shampooing her hair, washing herself. He sat there, watching her, eyes distant and tired. Sana noticed that, and albeit in pain herself, she wished to take all his pain away.

Finally, he moved to tell her he'd wash up himself in the guest washroom, leaving moments after.

Sana scrubbed furiously at her skin until it was raw and red, lips pursed in a thin line at the events of earlier.

'It had been so perfect. Why did he have to show up? Where did it all go wrong–' and so on.

After she was partly satisfied with the remnants of the night scrubbed away from her skin, she wrapped a towel around her, gingerly stepping inside the dressing room, where clothes were already present for her. She dressed herself slowly, shivering unceasingly.

When done, she walked into the warm room, finding Jimin perched on the edge of the bed, eyes closed.

She stared for a minute or two before breaking out of her daze, moving forward to sit beside him. The bed dipped under her weight, and Jimin looked up–

God, she wanted the ground to swallow her right there and then.

His eyes were bloodshot, as if he had been crying, and that thought alone was enough to prompt her to wrap her arms around him, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

Jimin mirrored her moves, moving her slightly so that she was fully seated on his lap, arms wrapped securely around her waist.

"Jimin–" she sighed, breath hitching. "I'm so s-sorry, so so sorry. If only I had listened to you and–"

"Hey, no, shush. " Jimin was quick to move back, wiping away the tears that still flowed down her cheeks, seemingly unstoppable. "It's not your fault, yours the least of it, okay? Don't worry, we're good now."

Sana shook her head. "No– you don't understand. He said horrible things, I don't care about the shit he said about me. But you-you don't deserve all that–"

He silenced her by placing his lips onto hers, effectively shutting her up. Sana could only go pliant in his hold, a slight a hum leaving her throat, as she wrapped her arms around him more tightly, tears still flowing down her cheeks.

It was okay, they'd be okay.

Only that Sana was stupid, of course.

Only that she asked him for a day alone, space to herself, and saw the hurt flash onto his face only for a second, she felt like going back in time and never speaking a single goddamn word. But she was stupid, immensely so, and so when two days went by without them reaching out to each other, Sana finally made a decision, putting all her indecisiveness aside, confident and certain.

Only that he was never there, that he had left the country, according to his assistant, and that he'd be gone for a time span no one knew but him and his PA.

Only if she had said those simple three words, it wouldn't have been too much of a mess.

Only if.


I feel unrealistically nice today.
Also, writing so much much so long felt like coming back home, really. I hadn't written in so long, and kinda forgot the peace it brings to me.

Evanescent | Park Jimin. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ