Chapter Seventeen.

978 73 16

"The sun paints the sky and the wind sings her song,
it's a better place since you came along."


"Mmhh..w-who's knocking on the door like a.." Sana yawned unceremoniously, "maniac on a fucking Sunday? Gosh," she mumbled sleepily, throwing her pajama clad legs off of the bed languidly.

Dragging her feet towards the front door like a limping penguin, she rubbed a hand on her face, trying her best to look awake.

'I swear, if it's Jeongguk or Dongsoo, I'm going to skin them alive, and feed them to stray dogs,' she plotted their end in her mind, already portraying a scowl on her face to look more aggravated.

Taking ahold of the doorknob, she opened the door, ready to give a proper smack on the head to her friends.

'Who else would be visiting me, anyways?'


Anyone else could visit her.

"Oh shit!" Sputtering out a profanity, she shut the door close with such intensity that for a moment, she almost pitied the poor hinges.

But that wasn't the main concern flooding in her mind like a fire alarm. Her knees swear-to-God buckled.

'What the hell is Park Jimin doing here?'

Closing her eyes when the sound of the soft knock resonated in the deafening silence of the room, she drew a deep breath, sighing and mentally preparing herself for the worst, and turned around to open the door again, standing with her hand on the doorknob, contemplating her life.

'I look like an ogre, what was I thinking when I opened the door like crazy without even considering looking through the peephole?'

"Well, here goes my dignity," she mumbled to herself, turning the handle.

There stood Park Jimin in all his glory, looking like the prince he was, smiling like he hadn't been knocking and waiting for the past God knows how many minutes.

"H-hi. What's up?" She tried to act normal, smiling while running a hand in her hair to tame it very subtly.

Jimin took in her appearance, eyes widening a fraction before locking gaze with her, smiling softly. "Hello, Sana."

She stood there, smiling awkwardly before Jimin raised his eyebrows. "Won't you even invite me inside?"

With that, her eyes widened and she stepped aside quickly, muttering a small apology before inviting him in. Jimin chuckled quietly, walking inside with a certain happiness radiating from him.

'What's with the smiley face?'

"Take a seat," she motioned towards the sofa of her lounge. "Uh..would you like something to drink? Coffee? Tea? Juice? Water? So–"

"Water would be great, Sana. Thanks," Jimin replied and Sana nodded slowly, stumbling towards the kitchen in her Ryan slippers and Kumamon printed pajamas.

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