Chapter Twenty-one.

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"Promise me you'll hold my hand if I get scared now."


Getting Jimin distracted when he's already preoccupied with something obviously important was, Sana learned, not that hard at all.

Sana tried, really, not to disturb him, but it seemed like he'd spend days working if not for someone there to constantly remind him to live.

Vaguely, she wondered if he'd ever had someone like that.

Back on track– After two nights in Busan, and on the third day, Jimin seemed to get a message from his office despite taking a leave. He grumbled something about being completely irresponsible before shutting himself in his room with his laptop, and piles of work.

Sana decided she was good enough to keep herself busy, determined about not disturbing the said man since he had something so important to do.

She failed, obviously.

Spending the whole day in a house surrounded by fields and nothing but nature seemed all enthralling at first, but soon enough, she found herself perched on the stools by the countertop, staring at the sunset through the window, chin resting on her hand. Bored.

Huffing, she blew the hair out of her face before getting off the stool, making her way to the room, to the only other occupant of the house. However, once she was standing outside the door, hesitation came rushing in, covering up the need of wanting someone's company just because she was merely bored.

Her hand was still limp by her side, unsure to knock or not when the door opened itself, Jimin almost bumping into her.

"Oh– Sana?"

"Jimin," she replied, gaze traveling up to meet his eyes. Only then she took in his ruffled hair, tired expression, exhaustion written all over his face. After observing his face for what seemed like an eternity, she snapped out of the reverie, taking a cautious step back.

"You didn't even have lunch, I was gonna ask what you'd want to eat if you're hungry, which, I know you are. And you've been working nonstop since morning, Jimin. I'm so bored," Sana paused, looking up through her thick lashes. "Please?" She didn't know what she was pleading for, but one look at his face told her that he knew.

Sighing tentatively, he slowly nodded, walking back inside his room, asking Sana to follow.

That marked the first time Sana went into his room, careful and uncertain. Jimin seemed to notice her hesitation, and he was quick to wave his hand, sitting on the chair by the desk pushed to the corner, where his work was. Papers, papers, papers, so many papers.

"Come on in, I know it's a mess. I just didn't have an idea leaving the office would be so problematic. There were so many emails and files to be checked, so much to do." He sighed, leaning back into the chair.

Sana nodded. "You're exhausted," she said. It wasn't a question or merely a guess. It was a statement.

Jimin sighed again, and Sana walked to him, understanding very less of the slides opened up on his computer. Discarding that, she placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense under her touch for a second before relaxing, going almost boneless.

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