Chapter Twelve.

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"Though I try to resist,
I still want it all."


Typical of her on any other usual day, Sana would've straightaway rejected the idea of staying home and doing nothing in particular. The thought of lazing around and wasting so much time when she could utilize it was much of her dislike (despise would be too much of a strong word).

But just this particular day, she didn't feel like going out, she didn't feel like working, didn't feel like even getting out of bed.

(She was just missing Jimin, and wanted to spend time with him, according to Dongsoo.)

'No no, I'm not missing him. I just need to spend a day to myself. Yeah, me, myself, and I.'

Approving the idea of actually missing Jimin meant approving that she may or may not have feelings for the man, although still sprouting like baby shoots, and that meant she would go into hiding forever, even considering becoming a monk or something.

Whatever the reason was, she decided not to pay much heed to it and just do whatever her heart desired, which was not related to Park Jimin in any way. (Note the sarcasm)

So here she was, clad in her weekend shorts–although it wasn't the weekend– and an oversized t-shirt, sitting on the lounge sofa with a bowl of strawberries in lap and 'The Lion King' playing on the television.

'You're never too old for The Lion King', Sana quoted Jeongguk's statement after deciding to watch it.

Sighing in content for the umpteenth time, she plopped another strawberry in her mouth and leaned into the backrest of the sofa.

'This,' she thought, 'is my idea of a lazy day.'

Closing her eyes for a moment, she let the background sound of the television lull her into another dozing session.

The sudden ringing of her phone laying uselessly on the coffee table made her snap her eyes open, groaning before setting the bowl aside and picking the phone.


She answered the phone call, biting onto her lower lip unconsciously in a vain attempt to stop herself from smiling too wide.

"Hello?" She answered carefully.

"Oh, hello Sana. How're you?" Came from the other side.

She eased herself into a much more comfortable position and crossed her legs, absentmindedly drawing lines on her skin with her fingertips.

"I'm great. Took a day off today, Dongsoo and Jeongguk said I needed it," She rolled her eyes at the thought of both of them nagging her to do so.

He chuckled from the other side, "Good to know. I could only wish to do that. Got so much to do today, even another meeting in like," he paused probably to check the time, Sana supposed, "15 minutes."

Sana tsk-ed, grimacing at the thought of having such a hectic routine.

"You do know you still have to take care of yourself amidst all of that, whatever it is, right?"

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