Chapter Two.

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"Our love is six feet under.
I can't help but wonder,
If our grave was watered by the rain."


"Sana, dear it's been three days. Please eat something. Atleast have this soup that I made for you." She sat beside her with a tray of food in her lap.

"Did you know? I almost burned the whole kitchen down, but being the superwoman I am, I saved our asses just in time. Now, c'mon, have this. It's delicious, I swear," Dongsoo tried to enlighten the mood, and also tried to get her something in her stomach, for she hadn't eaten anything, and was surely planning to starve to death.

"I have no appetite, Dongsoo. I'll eat later," Sana said, the same words she'd been repeating for three days, and turned on her side, facing the window on the other side of the bed. It was a sunny day, the light breeze gently blowing through the half-open window, causing the thin curtains to flow with it. She could hear the chirping of birds, and it almost felt as if all that happened three days ago was just a horrific dream, something that wasn't real, that didn't even happen, and she'd wake up to find everything perfect again, everything in place again.

But where did she belong? She knew she kept telling herself that everything would fall into place, but really, would it? He always took, never gave. But she couldn't be blamed when she believed he was her world, because it was always like that, had been always like that. He was her world, her everything. She couldn't be blamed.

She felt like everything was mocking her. The chirping of birds, the weather, the loud horns of cars down the road, the happy cheers of a group of kids that could be heard through the open windows. Everything felt like it was mocking her, reminding her of how vulnerable and numb she was at that moment while everything else was just the way it had always been.

Dongsoo sighed. "I know you too well, young lady, you're still going to starve yourself to death. Now get your ass up before I have to shove this soup down your throat," she slapped her butt cheek lightly, enticing a soft snort from her.

Sana rolled her eyes playfully, before sitting up and facing her best friend. The smallest glint of amusement also left her eyes when her face fell again. She took the hand of the girl sitting next to her in her hands, heaving a deep sigh.

"Dongsoo, this– all this that you're doing for me, I hope you do realise how much it's means to me. I don't know what I would've done without you. I'm grateful, and always will be, it's–" she broke off, a hiccup bubbling in her throat.

Dongsoo scooted closer to her, placing the tray on the side table, and pulled her into a warm sisterly embrace, running her fingers through her hair gently. Hugs always helped, there was no doubt in that.

"Don't ever say that, stupid. 'Course I'd do as much, ever more so. You've been more than a sister throughout my life, it's only about time that I'm there for you whenever you need me," she told her, voice barely above a whisper, as gentle and tender she could be in that delicate moment.

Frowning, she continued, "He's the wrong one here, to even let go of you. Listen, happiness looks gorgeous on you, believe me. You're so perfect that I often get jealous, you knuckle head," She laughed lightly, making Sana smile in response.

Sana was indeed gorgeous. She had everything that someone wished to have.

Yet, she still hated herself. She hated how vulnerable she was, to him. She hated how easily she would let her guard down. She hated how anyone could break through her walls and read her. She was like an open book.

It was something she couldn't help. She was almost gullible, trusted people without second thoughts, willing to give them everything, and how much people took advantage of that. She knew it, yet couldn't help it.

Now she was adamant on changing that. Not the kindness, no, she'd never want to be unkind.

Sana's breaths were wavering as she exhaled slowly. "But Dongsoo, we loved each other, didn't we? I don't know why he did this, b-but couldn't we talk it out, like we always did? I would've worked it out, sorted it out, but he let go of something so important, just like that. I–" she stopped, hiccuping still in Dongsoo's arms, tears prickling the sides of her eyes, and she blinked lightly to let them flow down her now thinner cheeks, a slight hollow between her jawline and cheekbone.

Talking out her thoughts felt weird, but she couldn't bear the burden on her chest anymore. It felt like something was pushing her down, preventing her from getting up and actually doing something for herself, and she had never felt this weak before. It felt as if she was suffocating, gasping for oxygen, unable to get enough.

"No, Sana. Don't cry over someone like him. You deserve so much better. Trust me, in no time, you'll be fine again, you'll be happy, because you deserve it," she encouraged her.

She sat back and wiped her tears that had flowed down her cheeks. With every drop of tear, she felt herself feeling more and more sadder, in a stark contrast with what people say about crying.

"I understand that you're not ready for that right now. But don't shut yourself from everything. This will be over soon and I promise you'll be happy. Just– I'm always here, okay? Whenever, wherever."

Sana smiled over her friend's worry and concern for her, and lifted her hand to smooth out the crease between her eyebrows with the pad of the thumb.

They had known each other for almost ten years now. She had almost grew up with Dongsoo's parents, taking care of her all the time and raised her like their own daughter, she was immensely grateful to have them at a time she needed them the most, and if it weren't for them, who knows where she'd be right now, for her own family had passed away in an accident when she was only six.

"Now now, get your lazy ass up and make yourself presentable. You look like a corpse. We're going out. To be honest, buy yourself a highlighter, make yourself happy, and remember who the fuck you are. Don't let that idiot ruin you, okay?" She said sternly, wagging he index finger like a mother, and Sana laughed lightly despite herself at her words, nodding nonetheless.

"Alright, now, hurry up, you only have fifteen minutes to get ready!" Dongsoo hastily stood up, handling the bowl of chicken soup to Sana and patting her leg twice before standing up.

"Ouch, don't shout in my ear. You're going to make me deaf one day, I swear," She winced and rubbed her ears over-exaggeratedly.

Dongsoo scoffed. "That's the point, dumb ass. I'll be waiting for you in the lounge. Don't take too long."

"Fine! Now go!" Pushing her out of the room, she shook her head at her friend's tactics to get her up, with a small smile gracing her face. Before going to the washroom for a quick shower, she stopped in front of the mirror, looking at herself, and she couldn't help but pity herself, drawing out a snort devoid of amusement, for how helpless and weak she looked.

'How pathetic. Look at yourself. Crying over someone who doesn't even care.'

Glaring at her reflection, her lips turned down in distaste. "I hope you get a taste of your own medicine, Kim Taehyung."


/runs away/

Evanescent | Park Jimin. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora