Chapter Eight.

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"Fake a smile,
So no one else could recognize
The broken heart that's under my skin."


"I don't think I'll be going tonight. Too much for me to take," Sana huffed as she laid flat on her bed, burying her face into the pillows.

"Don't mess with me now. What's the reason for your decision of not going to the party you personally got invited to?" Dongsoo snapped, emphasizing the word 'personally' as her gaze left her phone and travelled towards Sana, who was currently having a dramatic mental breakdown.

"Don't be like that! I don't have anything good to wear, okay? And I don't want to walk in a huge place filled with so many people looking like a complete mess," Sana spoke, her words turning into a mumbling mess by the end of her speech, which was muffled by the sheets.

"God! You'll look anything but a mess. Why are you being so ungrateful? Oh– wait," She paused, eyeing Sana skeptically, giving her a once over, "You've never been ungrateful. Then why are you being so picky right now? You have your closet full of everything, to be honest," She paused once again, tapping her chin and eyes narrowed into a thoughtful look. "Are you, perhaps, nervous because of someone in particular?" Her once once serious expression morphed into a teasing, amused one and she wiggled her eyebrows to irk the girl in front of her purposely.

"Stop already! You're being so lame right now, really," Sana threw the pillow laying beside her towards the other girl who was still laughing her ass off, tossing and turning in the bed. "I'm not nervous because of anyone, it's just that a large number of well-known people will be there and I don't want to embarrass myself."

"Oh. Don't worry, you won't embarrass yourself. Plus, Park Jimin would be there too, so it'll be alright."

Sana was quiet for a while before she spoke again, "Exactly, he'll be there." Dongsoo took a moment to analyze the words, and when it finally hit her, she squealed in joy and victory, reminding Sana of how stupid she was to say that in the first place. And she was already regretting letting those words out of her mouth. She sighed indignantly.

"See? I told you. You're nervous because of him. Girl I'm telling you, you're liking that man."

"Shut up."

"You're acting like a twelve year old girl who's afraid of her crush. Get your man bae," She winked, and Sana groaned in dismay.

"Are you emphasizing that I'm too old to do that now?"

"So you do have a crush on him," She nodded to herself and her face beamed with joy, mischief, content with the epiphany of the moment. "Oh dear, I'm so proud of you," And then she wiped her non existing tears, sniffling dramatically. It was always like this. Dongsoo would always make a huge deal out of nothing. Not that stuff like this would be that irrelevant, but it was for Sana.

"Get out. I call disowning you."

Dongsoo barked a laugh back in response and patted her back, only for Sana to swat her hand away, to which she laughed again, "Come on now, no time for sulking, or disowning, you can do that later. But let's get ready, you don't have all day."

Sana let a sound of protest past her lips but eventually got up, the comfort of the warm sheets seeming irresistible.

"And for your information, I'm not wearing anything fancy. It'll look really showy. I'm just gonna wear something decent and casual."

"Yeah yeah. Just wear anything. You'll even look good in a trash bag," She snorted and laughed at her own self, sitting straight once she noticed Sana's piercing gaze directed towards her. "Just saying, y'know? It isn't that bad of an idea, trash bags also need some appreciation," she spoke with her face completely serious, yet the mischievous hint in her eyes and the quirk of the corner of her lips gave away, suiting much more with her words.

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