『Chapter Twenty One || Until the Day it Becomes a Pumpkin!』

Start from the beginning

"Seconded!" the rest of the class cheered.

"Okay then, does anyone have any objection to a majority vote?" the class president asked, staring directly at Haruhi. When no one said anything, he decided to ask again, "Is anyone opposed?" Again, no reponse. "Is there really no one?"

"Yes!" Fumika finally said, putting up her hand.

"Eh?" Kaoru whined, "Why?"

Hikaru smirked at the girl, "Is it by any chance because you're scared?"

"Yes," Fumika answered bluntly, "I am absolutely terrified of the dark."

"You can group with us, Fumika-chan," Momoka offered, "We'll bring a flashlight with us."

"Really? Thank you," Fumika beamed, "Okay, then no objections from me."

"Very well then, for 1-A's class event...settled," Kazukiyo mumbled, "...we would like to settle on the Halloween special test of courage proposed by Hoshakuji-san.

|| Time Skip ||

"Hey there!" the twins said as they, Fumika, and Haruhi entered Music Room #3.

"You guys are late," Tamaki chided, breaking out of his vampire character, "Hurry up and get changed."

"Oh, from now until Halloween day..." "...we're skipping club activities..." "...by your leave," the twins said.


"How come?" Honey asked.

"We have a class event until Halloween day, so we're busy getting ready for that," the twins explained.

"Then it can't be helped," Kyoya said.

"That being the case, carry on!" the twins chirped, dragging Haruhi with them as they went to leave.

"Wait, wait, why are you taking Haruhi with you?!" Tamaki questioned.

"Well, Haruhi is in our class, after all," Hikaru said, grinning.

"We're having a special test-of-courage tournament at the school, at night," Kaoru added, making the same face.

"The school?! At night..." Tamaki trailed off as he went into his brain theater.

"A test-of-courage tournament, huh?" Kyoya mused, smirking at Fumika, "Are you sure you don't need me there to protect you?"

Fumika scoffed, "Protect me? Please. You're already a demon at night. I'm sure you'll turn into the Devil on Halloween night."

"I am hurt that you think of me like that," Kyoya said, but he was smirking nonetheless.

"Haruhi, are you seriously planning to attend such an improper nighttime event?!" Tamaki shouted.

"Well, class camaraderie is important, and all," Haruhi said.

"Camaraderie? Camaraderie, you say?" Tamaki repeated, "What kind of camaraderie is that?! How trampy... Letting his little girl go playing around at night is something that Daddy...Something that Daddy absolutely forbids!"

"Alrighty, then, and this is where I cut in," Fumika said, pulling Haruhi out of Tamaki's grip, "We gotta go, guys. Bye-bye."

"Adieu, sir!" The twins cheered.

"Hey, wait! Include me in your event, too!" Tamaki cried, but the first-years had already left the club room.

|| Time Skip ||

"What should we do about the budget?" Momoka wondered, "Once we start going in for the ghost costumes, there'll be no end to it."

"Following the commoners' rule of keeping it under 300 yen," "on the cheap will make things interesting," the twins said.

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