Part four

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Seokjin bad been silent the entirety of the time, comfortably sitting beside the window in peace as he was consumed by the thought of not being in any trouble and none of this abuse being aimed in his direction. He had behaved and done his job like a good little pup; besides - Namjoon rarely ever got annoyed at him. He was his right hand man, the one he confided in...probably his most trusted pup.
So, there he was - sitting looking out the window at the city's skyline with the many buildings surrounding theirs. He had just leaned his head against the glass and was drowning out the sounds of the moaning and whining pups when he was snapped out of his daze, dragging his attention back to the room. Nothing like this even phased him anymore; as he knew exactly how Namjoon's mind worked and he had punished the boys with much worse than this. The only thing that was actually a punishment for them - was that none of them were going to be able to finish.
Within a flash he was standing up and looking over Hoseok's shoulder at the findings, resting his chin against the younger boy's suit jacket. He spoke no words but his face immediately looked alarmed by the address; one that was in the middle of the desert at a completely abandoned warehouse. How cliché. His gaze met Namjoon's and locked eyes with him; "You have to tell us what they said so we know what we're going up against."

Namjoon pursed his lips, he didn't exactly want to say what had been conversed about over the phone, he was partly worried that he would come off as weak.
Upon Jin speaking; the leader snapped his head in the direction of the voice and met the male's gaze. "I don't /have/ to do anything." He hissed. "Does it really matter what was said anyway? No, you just do exactly what I tell you- okay!" He kept taking steps towards Jin as he spoke, his face just inches away from the male. "You seem to forget who gives the orders around here." The leader reached his hands out and grabbed the older males neck. "You follow MY orders like a good pup; you listen to me and you don't talk back." A small smirk had spread across his lips as he tightened his grip slightly. "Is that understood?"
Namjoon's gaze was as cold as ice, it was fixed onto Jin and it was as if nothing could shift it. Like he was frozen in time just strangling the other. He wasn't intending to do much more than scare Seokjin and so after a few moments more he let go, discarding the male as if he was trash.
He turned briskly on his heel and paced across the room. "Let that be a warning for you all." He eyed down all of his pups, most of which were still naked and out of breath - or still fucking on the floor as Yoongi still hadn't removed himself from Jungkook. He took one quick glance at the laptop before scanning his eyes over the others and walking away, eyes still fixated on the screen as he left to go and get dressed. "Gear up. We're going out."

Jungkook had been enjoying himself quite a bit; completely numb to all of the pain that he was feeling from his wound - but also from his insides thanks to Yoongi. All he was feeling was pleasure due to his fucked up little mind that made him think that pain could be pleasurable.
Yoongi seemed to be enjoying himself too, as Jungkook had heard no complaints from him at all just yet - only grunts and moans of pleasure which were promptly returned by Jungkook's own voice box. Their foreheads were joint together and touching, as the pair of them stared into eachother's eyes with a locked gaze whilst the younger boy was being pounded into the floor by Yoongi.
Much to Jungkook's displeasure, Yoongi had slowed down somewhat - before just stopping completely to listen to Namjoon, leaving himself inside of Jungkook. The younger sat there, looking at Jimin who had been impaled on Namjoon's length before being cast away - and he couldn't help but sympathise with him as he was currently being tortured by something similar.
However, the tension in the room had changed somewhat - becoming a lot more dramatic. And within a few seconds, Yoongi was pulling out of Jungkook to get up - pulling the younger with him as they went to go and get geared up for the mission that they knew barely anything about.

Hoseok's vision was switching between watching Namjoon choking Jin to Jungkook and Yoongi getting up from the floor for a few moments, before turning his attention to Jimin who had been discarded from Namjoon rather quickly.
He slowly approached the younger, delicate male and held his hand out. "Come on, Jimin-ah. I'll help you get dressed." He gave a nod over to Jimin to ask if he was okay - and Jimin returned a nod in response. He then gave Jin a look, which as an unspoken signal that he should get Jungkook, Yoongi and Taehyung geared up and dressed so they could leave. Namjoon was clearly growing impatient.
After Namjoon had let go of his neck, Jin had raised a hand to it and gently rubbed the now reddening skin. His cheeks were following in suite of his neck and he gently turned his head away from sight to keep his face from view, not wanting to show weakness to the younger boys. Once he thought that his face had somewhat returned to its normal colour he looked over at Hoseok who was speaking to Jimin; he caught the signal to get the outfits ready and quickly he disappeared before he got in anymore trouble.
He shot Yoongi and Jungkook glares as he gripped their wrists, hauling the pair of them towards their dressing room/ wardrobe where all of their outfits were kept, marked by person - and then by occasion. "Yoongi, Jungkook - put on your biking gear. Taehyung, wear protective clothing under your shirt. And hurry up. Namjoon isn't in a 'patient' mood." He too was standing in the room with the boys, quickly changing his clothing from a tuxedo to leather - with protective bulletproof padding throughout it to minimise any injuries.

As Hoseok took a timid Jimin out of the room, Namjoon reached out and gripped the smaller boy by the wrist and gripped his chin - forcing him to face him. "It's a shame that I didn't get to cum in that tight little cunt of yours, but there's always later." With a sadistic smirk he let Jimin go, discarding him to the side with the other pups who had no interest in anymore. The only thought in his mind was the phone call, the context of the call repeating in his head over and over again.
He was the first to leave the penthouse and make his way to the elevator, knowing his pups would follow suit behind him. He wasn't in a patient mood; and if they took too long - they knew that they would pay for it later on once the mission was completed.
The past fifteen minutes had been emptied out of his mind, to be forgotten about until he needed to bring it up again as a topic of conversation - probably as something he would hold against the boys when he needed a reason to punish them. He got into the front seat of their Range Rover, taking his phone out of his jacket pocket - sorting a few things out whilst waiting for the other boys to join him. He also put on his mask, concealing his identity from whoever they were going to face - so they couldn't trace him by identity if they needed to.

As all of the males began to pile out of the penthouse and into the elevator to get to the basement where there vehicles were waiting, Jungkook shifted around a little uncomfortably — wiggling his hips a little whilst making a hissing sound. "I bet I'm gonna stay hard for the rest of this fucking mission. I hate cellphones." Instead of showing sympathy towards the youngest member with the raging hard-on, Namjoon just rolled his eyes and reached back — gripping Jungkook's crotch as he squeezed it. "Don't let your hard little cock distract you from your work. You'll pay the price if it does." and with those powerful words, the elevator made a 'ding' sound and they all piled into the car park — Jungkook's eyes widening as he gulped.
His phone shredded through the silent panic as everyone fought about what vehicles to get into, which made him slow in his movements for a second to answer the phone. "Ne," the youngest member barely spoke into the phone at all, simply just listening to the other person until he hung up and slipped his phone back into his pocket. "I hate to interrupt boss but there's some trouble at the 'place'... some guys lashing out because they don't wanna pay for what they got." His voice was clear, leaning into the door of the car as he waited for the response. Problems at their prostitution building happened often enough, they didn't take too long to sort out. "It won't take long if we all go to sort it out. Jimin knows the guys starting the fight anyway, he can calm them down. If we do this first, we can still do the other secretive mysterious whatever-the-fuck thing after."

Namjoon rolled his eyes and sighed, clearly still annoyed with the situation. "Fuck. This is the third time this week. Who the fuck do we have working in there that keeps fucking up? Jimin, take care of it." He snapped at the younger male before rubbing his temples. "Jimin and I will head to the brothel. Jeongguk, Yoongi- You need to head towards the docks and check out the area BUT- and I cannot stress this enough- do not leave my back up boat. There are people waiting for us and if you're spotted you'll be in a hell of a lot more trouble with me. Understood?" He narrowed his eyes as he pulled up his facemask, only showing piercing eyes.
Jimin gulped and nodded, halving climbed into the car before Namjoon. "Y-Yes, Sir. Right away, Sir." He turned in the seat and pulled out his phone, making a call while he waited for the car to move.
Namjoon was just about to close the door of the van before he paused and turned back to Jeongguk. "On second thought. I don't want to take any risks by looking too eager. Meet us on the backside of the brothel. We'll discuss the rest when he get this settled."

Jeongguk simply just nodded upon hearing the final order, tightening the strap on his weapons belt incase he would need it before pulling his black dust mask up to conceal the majority of his features.
"Ne, Master." Was all he said, obediently getting into the driver's seat of the matte black van — the vehicle him and Yoongi typically drove together because it was the biggest/most spacious and had the best storage for whatever they needed.
All of the boys were in their usual vehicles now, ready to leave and get the job done — and they all sped off as soon as the garage door opened. Some on motorbikes, some in a Range Rover and some in the van.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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