True Victory

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Ryan's P.O.V.

It was the twentieth of July and Washington D.C. was enveloped in a sweltering heat. But it was fine by everyone else, especially The Green, because this was it. They were all in such high spirits that they really didn't think, for once since getting President Carter, that the revolution would actually continue.

The meeting was less of a meeting as it was a show they were going to put on - a speech on a large stage in front of the White House. Rebels that had a knack for construction put on orange vests and set up, and those who were wanted desperately sat back. Especially when curious citizens flooded the square, and even more so when Glenn sent out a nationwide alert for people to tune into a certain channel on radios and televisions to hear it. It was about noon when the whole nation was tuned in and the White House was most definitely watching.

Ryan was beyond nervous and couldn't recall trembling just as he was. Ramona soothed him to the best of her ability, but it did so little. He was the key speaker, after all, and Daryl wouldn't have it any other way. And Ryan also knew that it was he who should give the last words.

He also felt silly when they applied makeup to him to cover up much of the bruises and cuts on his face that were still healing. Them doing so was also a good indicator that he was going up there soon. He couldn't help from holding onto Ramona's hand for as long as he could.

President Carter came out first. The citizens booed immediately and at this, Ryan's stomach twirled at thinking about how it was going down out there. Beyond the metal door he was behind he heard all the terrible shouts. Then he looked through the small window out of it and noticed that they stopped as soon as it was clear that the soldiers around the stage, on the rooftops, and next to Carter were not from the state. By now they knew The Green, of course, but this time they actually looked like saviors. And so they stopped booing.

Yet even worse was when Ryan reminded himself that the stage was in front of the White House. There was no doubt that as soon as Carter walked out there with the nerve that he had that they were absolutely fuming.

Ryan found it so hard to concentrate with everything happening, especially with the blood rushing through and pounding in his head, that he didn't really capture the President's words. He knew what he was saying though, since Daryl briefly went over it while others were setting up. It was his declaration of his alliance to the people, not to who'd taken over. It was a confession of his own treason, though he pleaded that it wasn't his fault. It was shameful and humble, and it was enough for the country to at least thank him.

The crowd was silent when his thirty minute speech was finished. Of course no one would know what to say. First the war wasn't real and the government committed horrors no government should for little to no reason. No good reason, especially. Now it was true that the man they thought a dictator wasn't even the dictator. It wasn't Carter's fault, nor the General's.

Daryl walked up on the stage and Carter was escorted elsewhere. Everyone was still silent as he stood at the podium. This time, Ryan caught most of his strong words.

"My name is Daryl Conley. You know me as the man who helped Ryan Tedder---"

The crowd cheered. Ramona squeezed Ryan's hand but his head was spinning again. He didn't know if it was in a good way.

"---rise to the glory that he became for the nation. For us. You don't know me as well, but I supposedly committed the same acts of treason. Yet I did, indeed, help lead many of the missions to bring this country to how it should be. I lead a rebellious group called The Green, which is an organization that would be impossible to fully eradicate.

"The Green is a group of hundreds, even thousands, among you. Some stand before you like ordinary people. It has been formed for over a year. The Green is the beacon of your hope and survival through this reform as well as Ryan's revolution. The Green is vengeance for those lost in the authoritarian's regime of mistrust and terror. So allow us to, if you will, guide us back to how the country was. We will begin by leading everyone in the White House - these terrorists who goaded Carter into putting on the face of an evil man - out here to their deaths."

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