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Ramona's P.O.V.

"Long Live The Green!"

The shouting of the Rebels around them was deafening as they arrived at another motel several miles from D.C.. Only one helicopter wasn't back, but the amount of people still at the base and those who came from elsewhere to celebrate certainly made up for that.

Ryan and Ramona stood near the back of the group. Ramona smiled wider than she had in a while, with Ryan by her side and the others around too. Plus the President had been taken so they neared the end of the revolution, if all went to plan. They did good.

Beside her, though, Ryan stared in awe at everyone chanting. He'd hardly caught most of the chants, but he managed to get some of it out.

"The Green..."

"Long Live The Great Revolution!"

"Is that what it's called now?"

Ramona laughed and leaned into him, "Because the government called their reform 'The Great Reformation.' Counterattack."

She laughed again. She couldn't help it. Her insides were filled with joy.

"Long Live Our King!"


Ramona smiled wider, if possible. Then she finally looked at him.

In the light of the bonfire, Ramona felt a little pained to see all the injuries he'd sustained in that hell. It was mostly why she kept close to him and tried to give him tender caresses on the back or arm, or hold his hand tight. The reassurance that he was there was given to her just the same, and she knew it always worked. She hoped her returning it would work on him.

Yet in that light, the orange glow surrounding them, Ramona saw him smiling with that beautiful grin she loved so much. Even with bruises and the scratches he was still so attractive. He was Ryan. And he was beside her again.

"That's you." She said in joy. Ryan's bright eyes went wide for a moment, and he looked back at the crowd in shock to find others looking back and smiling at him.

"You started it, didn't you?"

"Daryl was planning it before I even wrote that song."

"But you had the smarts in how you did it and the guts in the fact that you did."

Ryan looked back over. Instead of shock, there was something like pure joy there. Perhaps admiration. Ramona was certain that was the expression she saw. Her cheeks hurt from smiling.

"I love you." He said.

"And I love you."

The roaring of helicopter blades coming from the back of the motel cut off the revelry. Everyone turned to see the last one landing in the empty parking lot on the other side, and then they ran to it. Ramona looked around to see who was missing. She caught sight of Addie, Brent, Lynn, and Zach. She thought she saw Mark, and even Simon, among the chanters around the fire. No one else.

They gathered in front of the helicopter and things suddenly turned horribly grave. On her free right, Ramona felt Lynn come up beside her. Addie joined. Then Ramona's hand was gripped tightly by the redhead.

"I have a feeling someone's not okay." She whimpered. Ramona shook her head. She was certain that helicopter was full of people she knew. So either way, the news would be terrible. Even devastating.

The doors slid open as the helicopter blades came to a slow stop. Charlie Hackett came out first, followed by his sister who was just as stony as usual. Or maybe more so, but Ramona wanted to believe that wasn't the case. Then Noel stepped out, nodding but looking a bit shaken. The same happened with Drew. Then a few other Rebels came out behind them, quickly walking out.

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