Rise [Featured Poem]

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A star is born from its collapse, a phoenix rises from its ashes, a butterfly emerges from its cocoon. You, my dear, are a star, shining in darkness. You are a phoenix spreading its wings in victory. You are a sweet butterfly, a transformation into something exquisite.

Silent, like a star or butterfly, so silent you blend with the wind, yet at times you sing the song of your heart, the song of the phoenix. You are, simultaneously, all things quietly triumphant and fatally beautiful.

And you, my dear, must know that a star must collapse upon itself to be able to shine. A phoenix must burn in agony to be able to fly. A butterfly must wrap itself up in confinement to be able to become something better, not unlike yourself.

So hide. Crumble. Fall. Burn. This is not your destruction or your end, my Love, my Butterfly. It is your rise.

- excerpt from a journal of Ryan's.

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