Chapter 1: The Meeting

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       I skipped happily down the stairs wearing skinny jeans, a white tee shirt, a black leather jacket, my good luck necklace which contained vervain in it, and converse. "Morning Damon." I said walking into the kitchen. Damon was my absolute best friend and my  like great great uncle or whatever but he's the one that has really looked after me all of my life. Stefan did too but I mean I was a lot closer with Damon. When my mom died when I was born they took on the role of basically being my parents so it's been quite interesting. "Hey munchkin. How was your night?" Damon asked turning around to look at me with a cup of coffee in his hand. I smiled slightly looking at his messy hair,"It was great. Where's Stefan?" "He actually left a few minutes ago for an important meeting with some people." Damon said rolling his eyes before sipping his coffee. I hopped up on the counter then asked him,"Who?" "I guess some wolf pack from California. And I wasn't able to go because one I had to baby sit and two the last wolf I interacted with got his heart ripped out of his chest." Damon said with a chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders. I laughed and rolled my eyes when he said 'baby sit' ,"Well you don't have to baby sit me anymore. I'm seventeen and pretty well capable of taking care of myself for a whole day. And why couldn't I go? I always make sure that you idiots don't get in trouble. I'm the neutral person in every situation." "Idiots? Wow I thought that you loved us. But anyways you couldn't go because Stefan is pretty capable of dealing with the wolves alone." He said before rummaging through one of the drawers. I groaned then said to him,"What are they talking about anyways? What's so important?" "I'm not really sure since Stefan wouldn't tell me. Although I do know where he's going.." Damon said drifting off when he lifted up a piece of paper. I looked over his shoulder at the piece of paper which read '1345 Applewood Drive'. I smirked nudging him with my elbow and asked him,"So wanna go to investigate?" "Obviously." Damon said with a smirk plastered on his face. I let out a squeal of excitement as I jumped down from the counter and grabbed the car keys but my excitement went down when Damon snatched the keys from my hands. "I'm driving though. I kinda don't want to die... Again." He said laughing before walking in front of me. I laughed and followed him out the door.

•Scott's Provo•

       Stiles turned down the music as he looked over at me and asked,"Okay so these vampires... We know nothing about them! So how do we know that they will even help us?" "Listen, Derek talked to this guy Stefan. He said they will discuss the details of this mission. And hopefully they do help us because the hunters aren't only after us anymore but the vampires too." I said folding my arms across my chest casually. Stiles ran his fingers through his hair frustrated before stating,"Im just... I don't know. We've never dealt with vampires before. And we don't have the full pack with us so we are probably weaker than we would be with everyone here." "Hey we are strong. Just the three of us. You, me, and Derek who is probably super pissed that we are late to this meeting." I said with a chuckle nudging Stiles. He signed trying to relax then asked me,"So, how are you feeling?" "About Allison?" I asked looking over at him. He replied back sarcastically,"No Scott, how are you feeling about the weather? Of course I'm talking about Allison." "Wow relax Mr.Sarcastic. I'm feeling fine. I mean I'm as fine as anyone can be when someone breaks up with you and tears your heart out again for like the fifth time. But hey maybe this is a sign that I need to move on already." I replied back leaning back in my seat as I looked at the signs that were coming by us. Stiles nodded his head then stated,"Good for you buddy. You need to move on. Plus you are a lot more fun when you are single Scott." "Single Scott is pretty fun... Anyways how are you and Lydia?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders then smiled at me,"We are doing pretty good but I mean she's kinda pissed I'm here since she's worried about me. Although I told her I'd call and text her everyday we are here until we leave." "Wow I guess your relationship has really progressed since the last I've asked." I said with a smile. I was really happy for Stiles since he hasn't had a girlfriend since what Kindergarden? He seemed pretty excited about it too since he was completely obsessed with Lydia for years before they started going out. My love life was terrible on the other hand seeing as my ex girlfriends family were werewolf hunters and she decided to take up the family business as well but she promised not to hurt Stiles or myself. So that was my life but I just needed to move on and find someone new and start over fresh.

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