Boy: I said go away!

I look at him with a sad expression, just then we heard his stomach grumbled. I giggled and took out a cookie. 

Y/n: My name is Y/n, do you go to this school? Want to be friends?

He just ignored me.

Y/n: It's rude to not reply, how about I give you this cookie and you tell me your name?


His stomach grumbles.

Boy: My name is JungKook. ( he said without emotion).

He grabbed the cookie and eats it.

(Y/n 's Thoughts: He is so cute !)

Y/n: Can I call you kookie?

JungKook slowly nodded his head. 

JungKook: Sure...

Y/n: let's be friends?( I tried one more time).

Since I didn't have any friends, I always played by myself. Maybe today I'll make a friend.

Jungkook: No, not just friends. Let's be best friends?

Y/n: Really?You mean it? ( I felt so happy, my whole body  filled with joy). Pinky promise?

Jungkook: Pinky promise.

Ever since that day, we have been friends, best friends. Jungkook was always there for me and I was always there for him.

*FlashBack Ends*

JungKook: ( looks at Y/n) Are you crying?

Y/N: Me? No.( He gave me a " Stop lying" look) I'm not, I just got something in my eyes.

He just smiled and grabbed my hands as we ran to the swings.

We were laughing and playing, having a good time on the swings when suddenly...

JungKook: Close your eyes ...

Y/N: Why?

JungKook: Just close them, I have a surprise for you.

Y/N: I don't want to ...

JungKook: Just close them ... or we won't go for ice creams.

Y/N: Fine. ( We can never turn down food, can we?)

I was a little nervous and anxious. I wonder what he is planning. After a few moments of waiting...

JungKook: You can open your eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes, I was nervous because the last time he did this there was a big fat spider on my lap. This time ... Jungkook was in front of me with a beautiful box, inside, there were two necklaces.

 Jungkook was in front of me with a beautiful box, inside, there were two necklaces

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

JungKook: Happy 12th Anniversary !! 

I looked at him amazed. He could see that I loved it. He smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Jungkook: They're a pair. One for me and one for you. That way, we'll always be together, no matter how far apart we are.

Y/N: It's beautiful, THANK YOU!! I love it! 

I gave him a big hug. On the back of the necklace, there was our initial ( JK *Hearts * Y/N).

He helped me put on the necklace and after we finished playing on the swings we went for ice cream and took a long walk. After our walk, we decided to rest so we sat on a bench just admiring the beautiful sunset that lay ahead of us.

*JungKook's Pov *

Jungkook: Y/n, I think I'm in love with you.

 Author: Hii!

Thanks for reading. This is my first time writing a fanfiction, well my first time writing a story so I apologize for any mistakes. I hope that you enjoy the story and look forward to the next chapter. I'll work hard to write a good story. Have a great day, until next time!


If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave them in the comment section below. 

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