Date or hang out?✔️

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"Thank you for all your hard work!" I bowed to the staff and production team amidst the chaos. I had just finished my performance and won first place when I was hurried into a small room. At first I was confused but after looking carefully I found Sooyoung and Suji sitting on the couch with their arms wide open and I couldn't help but let myself fall on them. They caught me and tried to push me off which resulted into a giggling fit and a small fight.

When I sat at my make-up table to rest and get my make-up removed. Sooyoung and Suji stood behind me, Suji held a phone in her left hand while Sooyoung grabbed the back of my chair. 

''So.. we saw something pretty funny last night when you fell asleep.'' Suji basically shoved her phone into my face and made me read a tweet, I could only sigh at their desperation for me to get a relationship. ''Nothing is going on.'' I quickly responded and pushed the phone back so I had room to stand up. I walked towards my bag when my phone- that suddenly was in Sooyoung's hand- began to rang. She shot me a look before giving me my phone.

Without looking at the caller ID, I answered the call. "Hello." I said while still looking at the two older ones.

"Hey Yebin." Upon hearing the voice, my eyes widened a bit. I shot Sooyoung sheepishly a smile and walked backwards, out of the room.

"Hey Daniel.'' 

"So uhhm...'' he chuckled which brought a small grin to my face, ''I called you because I wanted to congratulate you on your win and I was also wondering if you are free right now?"

My brows furrowed in thought and I wondered why he was asking me of all people. I contemplated but decided once I thought about just getting to know and possibly gain a new friend. 

"Yes, I'm free"

"Well do you want to hang out?" the small cough on the other end of the line meant that he was actually kind of nervous to ask me, I couldn't help but think it was cute.

"Yeah, sure. But can we first go to a cafe or something? I'm hungry." he chuckled.

"Whatever you want, can I come to your dressing room? I'm also at music bank right now."

"Sure, just knock on the door please."

"Alright bye, see you"

"Bye" I hung up and stared at my phone in disbelief. 'Why did he decide to call me?' 

I walked back into the room and Sooyoung and Suji immediately asked me questions. I just rolled my eyes at their behavior. I put my palms on either one of their backs and pushed them out of the room. When they were out of the room I quickly said: ''Hanging out with Daniel'' and slammed the door shut.

I heard a faint, ''Don't do what I wouldn't do!'' and I chuckled while shaking my head. 

I packed my bag and after a few minutes I heard a few knocks. I walked towards the door and pulled it open, revealing Daniel.

"Hey." he said pulling down his mask revealing his eye catching smile while his hair loosely hung around his face and appeared from under his baseball cap.

"Hi" I gave him a small smile. I grabbed my bag along with my cap and mask. Just to be cautious. I put the black cap and mask on and slightly pulled Daniel out of the room when I walked past him.

"So, where are we going?" He asked once we left the building. You looked at your left to see Daniel looking straight forward.

"We're going to my favorite cafe. Don't worry it's only a 10 minute walk." I said to him and clutched tightly onto my bag. This impulsive hang-out with someone I did not know was starting to make me feel nervous.

The whole way there we didn't speak. I honestly didn't feel like talking and guessed that he felt the same way. Nevertheless it was a comfortable silence. One where I could just admire the littlest sounds nature would create and sometimes the sound of cars that zoomed past us. 

We arrived and I asked him if wanted anything. He said he was okay so I told him to search a seat while I was going to order. He nodded and I walked to the waiting line.

"Can I have a grilled cheese panini and two caramel macchiatos" I ordered once I was my turn. The cashier didn't even look at me at just said the amount of money I had to pay. I payed with my card and moved to another section to pick up my order.

"One grilled cheese panini and two caramel macchiatos." A women called out and I walked towards her. I picked up my order and looked around, searching for Daniel. He sat at a corner by the window. I sat across him and gave him the caramel macchiato.

"I said that I didn't want anything." he said while raising one eyebrow, looking at me skeptically.

I slid my mask down and answered him, "I can't leave you with nothing. I'm not that cruel." he nodded, probably not knowing what to say. He sipped on his drink while I was enjoying my meal. Every now and then I looked at him and he would look at me, not knowing that we made each other blush. We didn't talk much, of course because I was eating but it felt like we simply enjoyed each others presence.

"So why did you call me?" I asked him.

"Well I was free and I simply thought that you could use a break." he shrugged.

"Oh okay, where are we going now?" I said once I finished my last bite.

"Just follow me, I have something planned." This time if was my turn to look at me skeptically but he just gestured to my mask. I nodded and slid my mask back up.

We walked out of the cafe and Daniel led the way since I didn't know where we were going. After a while I saw that we were heading towards the park. I recognised the small houses and buildings along the way. I started to jump and squeal like a child when Daniel just watched with a grin on his face. I pulled my mask down because it started feel a little suffocating.

I turned to Daniel and hugged him what surprised the both of us. "Thank you Daniel." I said genuinely.

He pulled his mask down to talk. "Uhh no problem but, why?" he seemed a little confused at my sudden action.

"I love the park. When I was little I would always go to the park and play with my little brother" I smiled.

I turned my head when I didn't get a response and met a pair of eyes. Daniel's eyes. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.


(A/n): I'm honestly so sorry to leave you guys at a cliffhanger... but then again, I'm not.
I don't even know if you can call it a 'real' cliffhanger because you probably guessed it already.

If not- What do you think the 'click' is?

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