(Training Starts Now 5) problems

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     Over the next few weeks,  you and Alex fall into sort of a routine. Alex always wakes up first,  then wakes you up as well,  cooking breakfast for you both before you head out to the DEO. While at the DEO,  Alex and Supergirl help you learn to use your powers,  and teach you to fight. By the time you've been there for about two months,  you've mastered control over your strength and speed, and managed to stop accidently fusing yourself with everything metal.  The only problem was that some of the powers you were supposed to have hadn't showed up yet, and others that had,  such as your mind reading,  we're out of control. On top of that,  there is still the mystery if how you obtain the powers of others. Despite it all,  though,  you find yourself happy. Fulfilled even.  Your whole life,  you had no real goal,  except to survive. Cadmus, though,  no matter how bad they we're,  and though it probably wasn't there intent,  gave you a goal.  A purpose. Something to finally work for. Without them,  you might've just gone through life in autopilot. So for that,  you can't help but be great full for what they did to you.
     The routine finally broke about another month and a half later. Cadmus hadent shown their face, and with much better control over your powers, and enhanced combat training, (thanks to your quick learning), it was decided that you could finally start going on missions. But only small ones, and never alone.
     This was exciting news for you. Alex had left the state on a separate mission, so you couldn't tell her in person, so you shot her a quick text, and went to go see Winn, who had a suit ready for you.
     "There's our new hero!" He chirped enthusiastically as you walked in. He motioned you over to a table to see your new suit. It was all black, fitted, like Alex's casual deo uniform, but it was outfitted with thicker armor, but still light weight. It had sleek lines, a utility belt, and plenty of pockets for gadgets and weapons. It was topped off with knee high combat boots, and a mask, all white with black streaks. You felt yourself smile as your hand touched the comfortable material.
     "Can I put it on?" You ask, trying not to show just how excited you really were.
     "I'd be offended if you didn't"
     Winn left you to change, and you did so quickly. It was easy to put on, and fit like a glove. You looked bad ass in it as well. You called Winn back in and he clapped, circling you as he admired his work. The moment was short lived, though, as the deo alarms started blaring. The building shook violently, knocking Winn to the floor, you barely just managing to stay in your feet. There were three more violent tremors before the building seemed to settle. You helped Winn to his feet and you both started out the door, hurrying to ops. The sight before you was madness. Aliens ran rampant throughout the building, agents were going down everywhere. The aliens looked like dogs, but were as big as lions, bigger. And they ranged from purple to green, and seemed to be on fire, black flames emanating from there bodies, and there mouths as they seemed to send fireballs at fleeing ages. The weapons the agents had seemed to be doing little to no damage.
     You didn't have time to process much else, as two alien dogs came at you. One sent a fire ball at you, the other rushed Winn. You dodged the fire and threw yourself in front of him, grabbing the dog by it's jaws. It was strong, but with your strength, you won out. You snapped it's jaw and it whimpered in pain, backing off. The second dog, who had been circling to try to get behind you seemed to hesitate. You stated it down, making sure you put yourself between it and Winn. More of the aliens started diverting there attention to you, as the number of agents fighting dwindled. You were surrounded now. Using your speed, you attacked first, running at an alien, landing a quick blow, and running back. You knocked it out, but the aliens lunged at once before you could take any more out. They didn't lunge at you either. They went for Winn, sensing he was weaker. You shoved Winn out of the way, and the aliens tackled you instead, they clawed you, bit you, there fire spread around you, hot, consuming, you fought back, throwing them off, barely beating them back when you saw two slink after a fleeing Winn. One pounced at him, knocking the both over the railing of the stairs. Time seemed to slow down. You saw them falling. One minute you were in a pile of dogs, the next you were falling after them. You managed to grab Winn about half way down, and you two stopped falling. You hovered a bit before you flew back into the stairs, where you set him down. There were no aliens here. The alarm still blared, but the sounds of the beasts started dying out, till all that was left were the sounds of the injured agents being helped to sick bay. Supergirl had come, and cleaned up the mess,
     "Neil's! Neil's! Hey are you listening!"
     You snap back and realize that Winn is freakin g out and had been telling you something, but you hadent been paying attention.
     "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
     "You flew! You can fly! You got a new power!"
     It takes you a second to process his words, and when you do a smile breaks out across your face. But then it falls again.
     "You just unlocked a new power, why are you frowning?" You shake your head.
     "The deo was just attacked. I may have unlocked a new power, but I didn't protect them. I could only protect you. Despite my training, I could stop the aliens. Supergirl rescued us again."
     "Woah woah, hey now wait a minute! You are still new at this! This isn't your fault. For being a new hero, and being put on the spot, you did a fine job. Even if you only protected me, which I am grateful for by the way. Don't beat yourself up over this. You will get better.  Even supergirl had a learning curve.," Winn assured. He  patted your shoulder and smiled. "Now then, let's get back up to ops. There is a lot that needs to be fixed and repaired. And we can inform john of your new power."
     You nod, and go with him back to ops.
     The rest of the day is a bit of a blur. Even as you go home, your are in autopilot. Your less than satisfactory performance playing over and over in your mind as you think of all you could have done different to help more than you did. Matters don't get any better either, as you get home only to find Alex is still gone. Not even bothering with dinner, you immediately head to bed, hoping to sleep off the days events.

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