(Training Starts Now 2) The Trap

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You and Alex watch as the metallic alien appears, materializing fro a nearby pipe. You watch as he goes around from support beam to support beam, ripping them apart, and absorbing them. The building quakes again, and you and Alex struggle not to make any noise, and stay upright. Finally, the alien makes it to the beam in front of the open cell. It starts absorbing it. Alex gives you the ok, and you use your newfound speed to charge at the metallic alien. The alien is fast though, and tries to escape by fusing himself with the metal. He succeeds, and, before he can realize what's happening, you pick up the dummy beam, and toss it in the cell, and quickly lock it. Triumphantly, you turn and see Alex, smiling at you. The metallic alien unfused with the metal, and tries to get out but cant.

"The plan worked!" Alex says over com, and you hear collective sighs or relief throughout the building. Job now done, you and Alex head to the main lobby, where everyone waits.

"Great job Neils," John congratulates.


"How did you know that plan would work? How did you come up with it? You barley had a few seconds with the alien before it was gone," John asked. "My agents cant even do that"

"I didn't know if it would work," You admit, " but I guessed that it just wanted to destroy all the metal in the building, considering what I saw it doing, and how it seemed to feed off of it. I just went off a hunch."

"Some hunch!" Alex interjected with a smile, playfully bumping your shoulder.


"Alright, alright. That's quite enough excitement for one day. You guys can call it quits, and get a good nights rest. You especially Neils. Ill be expecting you guys bright and early," John said.

Everyone went to leave, and so did you, when it hit you. You haven't been around in a while. You guessed a few months. You probably lost not only your job, but your apartment and car as well. You turned back to John.

"Yes Neils?"

"I was wondering, by any chance, do you know what happened to m car and apartment?"

John looked at you for a bit, before responding.

"Your apartment and car are gone. Your car was impounded, and our apartment, well, they evicted you. You have been gone now for just under three months."

Three months? Time flew fast.

"So, where will I stay?" You inquire.

"She can stay with me sir," Alex says from behind you, causing you to jump. When did she arrive?

"Is that fine with you?" John asks you.


"Then its settled"

John leaves, and Alex leads you to her car.

"Thanks for taking me in," you say as she drives.

"Anytime. I wouldn't want to live in a cell either. Besides, I have lots of space in my apartment." she replies.

The rest of the ride, you talk about music, interests, and more with her. You learn her favorite color is black, like yours, and her favorite food is pizza. You convers like normal people, and soon, you find yourself liking her more and more. You don't usually like people, but you definitely don't mind being friends with her.

The pleasant car ride ends too soon, and before you know it, you arrive at her apartment. Its a good size, and very clean. It has one bedroom, one bathroom, a good sized kitchen, and a good sized living room.

"What's mine is yours. Feel free to make yourself at home," Alex tells you, as she pours a glass of wine for the both of you.

You look around once more. Your glad you chose to join the DEO. It was turning out better than you had hoped for.

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