(My Life Back 2) Catco

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You slowly awoke and jumped out of bed. Today was the day you would be starting your new job, and to be quite honest, you couldn't wait. The apartment they gave you wasn't anything big, but it was very nice, and in a better part of town. also, they gave you a brand new all black Camaro, which you were desperate to drive. The DEO wasn't that bad. You decided that once you settled, you would thank them.

Now fully awake, you started with your usual morning routine; the one you did before you got captured. You quickly showered, changed, grabbed a quick breakfast, (toast), and headed out. You jumped into the front seat of your new Camaro, and turned it on. The engine roared to life, and you felt the cars power. You carefully puled out of your parking, and sped off to work, enjoying the sunny day. Unfortunately, you arrived at work much to soon. You wanted to drive around more, but you knew you had to work. Your bills wouldn't pay themselves.

You got out of the car, and headed into the huge building known as Catco. The building had so many rooms and offices, all decorated with luxurious furniture. you could've sworn you were in some palace instead of a workspace. You kept looking around in awe for a bit, before going to the front desk. The secretary their gave you a key card, and you rode the elevator up to your destination.

Upon stepping out of the elevator, you could see this area was much different from the rest. though it was still very fancy, the people up here were in a rush, and seemed constantly busy. You walked around a bit, till someone behind you tapped your shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you lost?"

You turned around and saw super girl. What was she doing here?

"What are you doing here?" you ask. Shouldn't she be out saving people?

"I work here, and I just came to check on you to make sure everything is in order. By the way, please call me Kara. Kara Danvers. Id like to keep my identity a secret." You nod, understanding. You sure as hell didn't want anyone finding out your secret either.

"Alright then Kara. I look forward to working with you", you reply, and she smiles. She didn't seem that bad. Although you don't like people, she's someone you didn't mind befriending, because you knew she wouldn't stab you in the back. "By the way, do you know where Mrs. Grants office is? Everyone here seems too busy to help me."

"Yes, its right here," Kara says, leading you to the biggest office, with glass walls and a killer view. You feel a bit stupid for not finding it yourself, considering how big and different it is, but none the less, you are grateful for her help. She enters the office, and you follow closely behind. A Blonde haired woman who had been working looks up at you both.

"Mrs. Grant, this is Neils. Ash Neils. She is your new assistant," Kara told the woman, who, apparently, was Mrs. grant. She was older, and wore glasses. She looked you up and down.

"Alright then Ash, as my new assistant, you will be handling all of my appointments, my schedule, and anything and everything else I ask you to do on top of that, are we clear?"


Mrs. Grant looked at you, then at Kara.

"Your desk is right outside my door, go now," she said, shooing you out. you took a seat at your new desk, and attempted to start the computer up. You were already struggling, though. computers were anything but your forte. you decided to tune in to what Mrs. Grant was saying, because you could hear her through her apparently thin glass doors.

"...Kara I know you trust her, but I don't. I've hired her type before. Come from nothing, and I've given them chances, but they always turn out the same. They lie, cheat, and steal, and i refuse to have that in my company."

"But Mrs. Grant, she's not like them, your wrong! Please reconsider."

"She isn't? Stop me when I'm wrong. She came from the bad side of town. She has a record. She has been fired multiple times. She cant keep a job."

Kara stayed silent, and you felt your blood start to boil.

"See? I cannot trust her. she isn't the type of person I want in my company. She has to go. Ill let her stay till she finds another job, but that's it," Mrs. Grant concluded. Kara nodded and came outside.

"Hey, look, uh....-" she started, but you cut her off.

"Could you give me a moment?" you asked, standing abruptly.

:ah, sure."

You strutted into Mrs. Grants office, and closed the door behind you.

"Yes?" she said, not looking up at you.

You weren't going to take this. It wasn't right.

"Mrs. Grant, I am showing you respect, I would appreciate it if you would do the same, and look at me while we engage in a conversation," you stated firmly, forcing your anger down. You wanted to approach this professionally, even though you knew you were as good as fired already. Mrs. Grant looked at you.

"you have my full attention, so this better be important. I Have a lot of work," she replied, looking at you. You took a deep breath.

"Mrs. Grant, I have heard about you. Your a strict employer, but a good one. You like things done right, and run a tight ship. You only hire the best. That's why your on top. Everyone has a lot of respect for you."

"Flattery wont get you anywhere here Ash. It will just get you fired"

"Flattery wasn't my goal. And I know I'm already fired." Her eyes narrowed at you. " what I wanted to address with you was the reason you refused me a job. I know you had bad experiences with my type of people before, but I feel that you judging me based on what other people have done is unjust. I know its your company. I know you want the best, and I understand that. So, although I know I probably haven't changed your mind about me, for your potential future employees, I just wanted you to possibly consider giving them a fair shake, and judging them on their own merit. You never know, they could be the best employees you ever had." You felt you temper cool down as your finished.

The room was silent for a few seconds.

"You know, very few people have the guts to approach me, much less lecture me. Normally, I would fire people like you, but, though I hate to admit it, you re right about me. I have been judging people a bit too harshly, including you, and I realize that. But my original opinion stands. Ill let you have the job till you can find another one."

You sigh, and shake your head.

"I'm glad I helped you see things in a new light, and I appreciate the job offer, but I can see when I'm not wanted. So Ill have to refuse working for you till i get my new job. I don't like accepting handouts."," you reply. You had a feeling it would turn out like this.

"I admire your drive. It will get you far" Mrs. Grant said, smiling at you. "I hope you do well in your next job."

You give a nod, and head out of her office. Though your now jobless, you don't mind. You know you can find another job, and you know how to survive. You've done it before.

Kara meets you at the elevator.

"You just turned down Mrs. Grant?" She asks, surprised.

"Yep. She didn't want me here, and I refuse to live off of hand outs. I make my own way," you reply.

She looks at you.

"You have a lot of grit. So what's the next job your going to get? I can help you, and so can the DEO."

"No, its ok. Ill find a job on my own. I'm smart enough. Ill get hired," you say, though you know it will be a battle, with your record.

"Alright then. Good luck!" she says to you, as you step out of the elevator, and leave the building.

You know its going to be a tough few weeks, but your determined. You head back to your apartment, and get straight to work.

Alex DanversDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora