(Training Starts Now 4) Adapting

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"I think they have made her a Mimic," John says. You and Alex are still confused.

"What's a Mimic?" you ask.

"I've only ever seen a Mimic once. They are powerful beings. They have the ability to mimic any powers they come in contact with."

"So I'm a Mimic? Ok, but how does that make me dangerous?" You still didn't see any problems.

"The powers. Your powers. They allow you to gain other aliens abilities. This much is fine, but if you don't know how to control them, it can be very dangerous. Say for instance, you come into contact with an alien that can shoot fire from its hands. If you gain that power, then you can do so as well. But if you don't know how to control it, you can end up hurting other people, and causing a lot of damage," John explained.

You nodded. that much was true. And it made sense. You met super girl, and suddenly you had her powers. That's how you got your speed and strength. But wait.... What about the rest of our powers?

"How do I get powers? Do I just have to look at people or something? And where are the rest of my powers then? Shouldn't I have heat vision? Shouldn't I be able to fly? Shouldn't-" you stop rambling as Alex grabs your hand and squeezes. You look over at her and she smiles at you.

"We can figure it all out with time. For now, just be careful," John says. "Also, I am assigning Agent Danvers to watch over you, and show you the ropes. Id prefer, as well, if you would also continue to live with Danvers as well. She can help keep you safe." You and Alex nod in agreement. But you still feel a bit antsy.

"Wont I risk hurting Alex, though?" you ask. You think of everything that can go wrong. You can unlock your heat vision and accidentally burn her. Your strength still isn't under control yet...

"I trust you Neils. You can control this. And I can help you." Alex says, interrupting your thoughts. You look her in the eyes, hers full of reassurance, unlike your own, which you can see reflect fear, and mistrust. You take a deep breath, and relax. You decide to trust her words, and you realize how tense you have been this whole time. you force yourself to relax completely.

"Alright" you reply.

"You called?" Super girl says as she walks in and stands beside John.

"Ah, yes. Come with me, and I'll brief you," John says as he and Super girl go to another room.

You turn to Alex.

"Why are you so interested in helping me? Aren't you at least the slightest bit afraid of me? I could kill you," You say, watching her expression. She seems to think about it.

"She could kill me.....but I don't care. Its too soon to tell her the truth, isn't it? She may run away, or never look at me the same..."

"Why do you keep referring to me as she? And what truth are you hiding?" You say, interrupting Alex's response. Alex looks to you, confused for a second, before she seems to get both mad and embarrassed. You raise an eyebrow.

"Ok, first things first, you have to learn to control...that!" She says, shaking her head. "Damn mind reading" That's when it clicked. You realized you were unintentionally reading peoples minds.

"Oh, shoot, my bad. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your privacy!" Alex waves her hand at you.

"Its fine, just... Please work on it" she says, regaining her composure. "For now, though, Ill use this." She goes to a nearby desk, and pulls out a glowing blue device. She hooked it around her ear, and attached the other piece to her uniform.

"Will that stop me from reading minds?" you ask, curious.

"No, this is a single person unit. This will stop you from reading my mind only"

"Oh... what about everyone else?"

"You will have to work on blocking them out yourself. It will take time, but you can do it. Speaking of which, you should have more powers than you are showing."

"Yeah. I don't know how to work them though. Or make them activate." you reply.

"Well, how did you get the rest of them to work?"

"I honestly couldn't tell you if I tried. They kind of just, happened."

You really don't know how they came about. They just seemed to appear over time.

"Ok, well, can you at least tell me what powers you already have so I can catalog them?" Alex asked.

"Sure," you say. "I have super strength, super speed, I can read minds, I can fuse with metal pillars, I have super hearing, and I can sorta see through things, almost like I have X-ray vision."

"Wait, you have x-ray vision and super hearing? When did you get these powers? Do you know?"

"Yeah. I got my super hearing when I was still in the med bay. I heard everything that was going on, and everything that you planned. And my kinda x-ray vision, I don't know if it counts, because I've only ever been able to use it once. Besides, It didn't even work that well."

"It counts. when did it happen?" Alex pushes, typing frantically on her tablet.

"When we faced the metal guy. I looked through the floor and saw him"

"You looked through the floor? This floor? The D.E.O floor?"

"Yes. This floor, why?"

"You can look through lead." You get confused.

"I can look through lead. So what?"

"So not even my sister can do that. That's one of her weaknesses. That means we don't know your weakness, either." Alex says.

"Why do you need to know my weakness?" you ask, a bit taken back, as Alex puts away her tablet.

"So if you go rouge, we can stop you. Its just a secondary precautionary measure. We cant have you destroying the city."


The conversation gets dropped, and you and Alex spend the rest of the day touring the D.E.O, and discussing where you will fit in. Finally, as the clock hits Five, you and Alex are free to leave. You both exit the building and get into Alex's sleek black mustang. You expect her to start driving back to her apartment, but instead, she starts heading to town.

"Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you. I just thought it would be a nice change for us to go out and eat, instead of being cramped and confined to my apartment" Alex says, seemingly reading your thoughts. You relax.

"That sounds good. I'm always down for a change of scenery. So where are we going?" You say, excited to get out. All the D.E.O and alien drama was getting to you. Your looking forward to a chance to relax.

You drive through the city, and stop in front of a small bar in the outskirts of the city. You and Alex get out of the car, and walk in the bar. You expect to see a bunch f bikers of something, but instead, its full of normal people. Or so you think. Upon closer inspection, you see that the people are all actually aliens. All different kinds of Aliens. You stop walking as they all stare at you. Alex puts her hand on the small of your back, and leads you in to an empty table. Soon enough, all the aliens resume there business.

"What was that about ," you ask.

"They just wanted to see who you were. Its not often they get a new alien in here. This bar is not well known for a reason," Alex explains. You nod.

As the night goes on, you loosen up. Alex buys the drinks, and you both talk about anything and everything. You learn about her past with super girl, and you tell her of your struggles growing up in poverty, and in an abusive household. By the end of it, you feel closer to Alex than you've felt to anyone in years. You finally feel like you can trust again. And strangely enough, you like it. You also feel something else, nagging you. A new feeling you have never felt before. You brush it off, and decide to just enjoy the moment.

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