Training Starts Now

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Your awakened suddenly when your tossed to the floor. You sit up and look around when it happens again. A violent shaking. Alex rushes to your cell, and unlocks the door.

"What's going on?" you ask.

"No time to explain! We have to move!"

You don't argue the point, and follow her. You both run through the halls of the DEO, till you reach the main lobby. There, you meet up with John, Super girl, and a few others. The building shakes again.

"What the hell is that?" you ask once more, looking below you, where the shaking seems to be coming from. The floor shimmers, and for a second, you swear you can see what seems to be a metal person fusing himself with the metal beams supporting the building?!

"Hey, are you listening?" John asks, snapping at e a bit. You shake your head. "I said we need to find what is causing this, and how to stop it. It isn't an alien we know, or it would have show up on wins scanners. So be careful. We will search the building floor by floor, in teams. If you find the alien, stop him by whatever means necessary. You and Alex are on a team. Start with the Seventh floor," he commanded, pointing to me and Alex. "Ill be with super girl. win, keep us updated. We meet back here in thirty minutes if we don't find anything."

With that, you broke off into your respective teams. Alex Gave you a standard 9mm handgun, and you started descending the stairwell.

"Stay close to me, and don't shoot me", she said.

"Umm, I don't even know how to work this thing, so I don't think that will be a problem," you retort.

She stops, and turns to you, holding out her hand. You hand her your gun.

"Safety" she says, pointing to a small switch on the side of the gun. "When its on, you cant shoot. When its off you can. Keep it on till you need it." You nod. She hands it back to you. "There are 13 bullets in that gun. One in the chamber, and 12 in the clip. Shooting is simple. You take the gun in both hands, line up your sights, and pull the trigger. Be sure to keep your arms stiff, or the gun will push back against you, and throw off your shot."

"Uh, sure, thanks," you say. You try to holster the gun.

"Ah ah ah, no, show me first", she demands, and you hold the gun up as if you were about to shoot. Alex comes up behind you. "Good, just put your arms up a little more, and open your stance a bit..." She pushes your legs apart a bit with her leg, and wraps her arms around you to lift you arms. "There. now you should shoot better." I can feel myself stiffen. No one ever gets that close to me. Alex seems to take notice, as her face heats up, and se jumps back. there is a second of silence, before she starts going down the stairs again. "Lets move" she says, and you obey, following her closely.

You reach the seventh floor quickly, and you both quietly enter. You both creep down the hallway, till you hear a sound. It comes from your right. A room door is left ajar, and you and Alex see a flash of movement. Alex barges in first, and you follow closely behind. You both shoot a volley of bullets at the metallic looking man, but they seem to do no damage. In fact, it seems like he absorbs your bullets. The metallic thing lunges at Alex, and throws her across the floor. It tries to go for her again, but you dart in front of her, and catch its fist. You twist its fist, but it doesn't cause it any pain. In fact, its hand turns freely. The metallic man smirks, and punches you hard, you stagger back, and before you can recover, the metallic thing grabs an exposed metal beam, and merges with it, disappearing from sight. As soon as its gone, you turn to Alex, who is getting up, though a bit dazed.

"Are you alright?" you ask, putting your arm around her. You support her till she can stand on her own.

"I'm fine. Did you get him?" she asks. You shake you r head, and she just nods.. "We should head back. Inform Win. He may have something for us."

"Good Idea"

You both head back to the main lobby ten minutes early, and you tell Win what happened. He punches it into the computer, and shakes his head.

"Its an unknown. Its not registered into our database. we know nothing about it besides what you two told me" he relays.

"So then how do we find out how to beat it?" Alex asks.

"I may have an idea. Not to beat it, but to trap it at least." you say.

"What's the plan then?" john asks, coming back with super girl.

"We will need an open cell, and a metal beam"

Alex DanversWhere stories live. Discover now