My Normal Life

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"Oy, are those orders ready? Come on Neils, get it together!" your boss snapped at you, as you struggled to keep up with all your orders. Honestly though, who could blame you? The diner was packed, and more so than usual, even for rush hour. None the less, you kept your mouth shut, and desperately tried to play catch up, till finally, your shift ended. You clocked out for the day, and went to your locker. You hung up your apron, and grabbed your car keys.

"Hey Neils!" a coworker called to you as you shut your locker. Her name was Laury. Laury Baker. She ran the same shifts as you, and was super friendly. You gave her a half smile.

"Hey Baker" you replied, and turned to leave, but she caught your arm.

"Oh come on, don't be so cold!" she pouted. " I wanted to invite you out! Me and some of my friends were going out for drinks, and i was wondering if you'd like to come?" she asked, giving you puppy dog eyes.

Your not a social person, and Laury was the kind of person who was so nice it was almost sick. You really didn't want to go, but you could use a free drink, and you needed at least one work friend, even if it was her.

"Alright, I'll come," you say a bit begrudgingly. Laury doesn't catch it, and squeals in excitement.

"Yay! I'm so glad you finally decided to come! I thought you hated me! Hey, you wanna car pool?" she says quickly.

You don't want to leave your car, but your also low on gas, and cant afford to waste any, so you agree. You and Laury drive to a nearby bar. Its quite full, but her friends saved you guys seats. She introduces you to her friends, and you all make absentminded chatter. You don't pay much attention, though.

Suddenly, you feel really, really dizzy. You try to stand up, and almost fall to the floor. Everything is spinning. Your thinking frantically. Laury comes to your side.

"Its ok, Ill drive you home," she says, helping you out the door. You nod, unable to speak. Someone must have given you a date rape drug, you think.

Laury puts you in the back seat. Your eyes start to close, as waves of sleepiness start hitting you. The last thing you see is the back seat of Laury's car as you pass out.

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