The Black Syringe

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You groan, slowly waking up. Your head is pounding, probably an after affect from the drug. You open your eyes and look around. A bright light is above you, hurting your eyes, and not at all helping your headache. You seem to be in a small room with medical tools, and tubes filled with strange liquids. You try to sit up, but you cant. You look down and see your wrists and ankles are bound to the bed your laying on with leather straps. I.V.'s come from your right arm. You wonder what the hell is going on, and start struggling against your restraints.

"You know that wont help you, Its useless to struggle", a cold feminine voice says.

You turn your head in the direction of the voice, and see an older woman emerge from the shadows. You recognize her from the news. She's Lex Luther's mother. Your body tenses as you realize your in deep trouble.

"What do you want," you growl, giving her an icy stare. She laughs.

"I hardy think your in any position to be asking questions or demanding answers," she replies smugly.

You know she's right, but her demeanor makes your blood boil, and with all the adrenaline you have flowing through your system, you want nothing more than to get out of here, and punch her in the face. You grit your teeth.

"A fiery one. You will do nicely," she said." Now let me make one thing clear, before we start. Your here for one purpose, and one purpose only. You will become my minion. A weapon for Cadmus. You will do as I say, when I say it, and, if not, there will be consequences. You are to ask no questions. Any sign of disloyalty, and you will be killed. Am I clear?"

"Ha!" you scoff. "Your bat shit crazy if you think I will take orders from you, or Cadmus, whatever the hell that is. You want to kill me? Do it. Id rather die than work for someone like you!"

Mrs. Luther smiles at you.

"I knew you'd say that" She replied, motioning to a doctor you didn't see come in. He brings her a large syringe. She takes it, and comes over to you. You struggle, but the doctor holds your arm still. She injects you with a strange glowing black substance. "Have fun," she says as she walks away with the doctor. "I hope you survive till morning."

You start to wonder what she meant by survive till morning, when you cry out in pain. It feels like liquid fire is coursing through your body. Your insides feel like there being ripped apart into tin pieces. You let out animalistic cries of agony as the pain gets worse and worse. It seems to last an eternity. Your only saving grace is when your eyes roll back, and you pass out, no longer able to withstand the pain.

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