Sorry Guys

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Hey its me I'm gonna cut to the Chase her...I won't be updating chapters as much this week until Friday or Saturday.

It's because my older brother who's 21 going on 22 is constantly playing on his X-box and it takes up alot of the wifi, and he keeps changing the WiFi password and and keeps fucking wires up , and doesn't tell me about it for his dick head reasons. One of em being that I'm on my tablet and phone doing homework, making sure my life doesn't turn as shitty and pathetic as his and it bugs so much that he threatens me to get off or else. Usually I'd say bring it but you know mothers orders to put the knife down :/

So yeah..this weekend is my father's weekend so I'll be working twice as hard to give you the chapters u guys deserve.

But besides this weekend, the next two weeks I'm not able to update until he decided to grow a pair and enter the real world and not live free from my mother and all the hard work she does putting a roof over our heads.

I hope you can understand.

Then only reason why I am telling you now is because I'm using my neighbors wifi....Yeah I'm a boss...but the connection sucks ass.

By the time I post a new chapter hopefully he gets thrown out, or he stops being a god damn child and grow the fuck up and live on his own.

I'm sorry.

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