Chapter 1: The Truth

Start from the beginning

    He just shoved those thought back into the dark side of his mind and continued to listen to his father's side of the story. "One day, out of the blue, we heard a knock at the door. When I opened it, on our door step stood a girl, roughly seventeen," He pulled out one of the pictures and showed it to him. Stiles looked to see a beautiful girl, about his age, wearing a hoodie that hid most of her face from the sight of others. "She didn't tell us her name when she arrived, but she had dark hair and brown eyes, she looked weak and tired. We wanted to help, call for the hospital to pick her up or something, but she didn't want our help. Instead, she handed us a month old baby. The girl named Sally, as I learned later on from records I managed to find in an investigation, had asked us to adopt her son and claim custody, and that she was willing to do the paperwork for it. Your mother eagerly agreed to take you in, even without my opinion in the matter. After that night, we handled it, and then you were ours. And your real mother promised to never try to get to visit or bother you, ever. From then on, we raised you as our own. We fed you, clothed you, educated you, and helped you."

    Stiles frowned a little at the thought that his real mother would give him up so easily to strangers and not bother to come back, taunt him. It wasn't right! Even if there was a good reason for it, he still did not think it was fair to him to be felt like that.

    Stiles turned towards his father and asked, "Did the woman even care for me? Why didn't she want me? Why give me up? Was something wrong with me?" There was no way to hide the anger in his voice. "No, even better? Did she even bother giving me a name? A name like Steve? Stan? Michael? Johnny? Wait, hell no, not Johnny! It's a freaking stupid name!"

    Mr. Stilinski looked down with a frown on his face. He threw the files on the coffee table and looked back at Stiles, "Well, she can't answer that for you, because she's dead. She died about a month ago."

    Stiles nearly flinched at the news, his hands turning into clenching fists and his eyes flared up from pure rage. "I swear Stiles, I was going to tell you sooner. I wanted to tell you the truth before you left to college, but I thought you couldn't handle it. Now I see that I was right."

    "Oh, you think?" Stiles remarked sarcastically. He scoffed and dashed up from the couch and out of the living room.

    "Stiles wait!"

    But Stiles was already out of sight and rushing up the stairs to his room. Once he was inside, he locked the door and threw himself on his bed trying to calm himself. The wheels in his head turned as the news of his biological mother began to haunt him. Then he heard a knock on the door, but he stubbornly ignored it.

    "Stiles, I don't have the answers you want. But know this, your mom and I, we never saw you any different. At the end of the day Stiles, you'll always be my son," Those were his last words before Stiles heard a few retreating footsteps outside in the hall. All of this was too much for Stiles to handle right now and he needed rest and time to think. He had barely come back from the college tour, and learning about his real mother wasn't the welcoming news the thought he'd get.

    Questions rummaged through his head as he continued to question almost everything he knew. So if this Sally Lewis is my mother, then who in the hell is my real father? What's his name? What's he like? Did he want to give me up too? Did they need to fix their lives and I was getting in the way of their happy lives? Why did they give me up? Did the guy even know? I mean, what if he didn't know? Maybe it was a one-night stand kind of thing. Although, I wouldn't want to be considered an accident.

    I need the truth.

    Stiles got up from his bed and quietly strolled down the stairs and rushed to the living room. He grabbed the file from the coffee table and rushed upstairs to his room again. He went on to his computer and opened the file. He looked at his birth certificate to see all the information that was written on there. He looked to see that his father's name was Dean Winchester.

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