"Remember, Keyholes are typically inconspicuous, so most residents will not recognize their presence. It is as much a part of this world as the water." Mentally, Red XIII added, We all deduced that because of King Triton's awareness of the Keyblade, he may want to keep a closer eye on it.

"Oh. . . ." She closed her hand and straightened, appearing determined. "Let's go!"


Meanwhile, malevolent laughter rang inside the palace, as Ursula brandished Triton's prized weapon. "The trident is mine at last! And I couldn't have done it without your help, my dear." She glanced at Isaribi.

The little sea monster floated near the throne, where Triton sat in a weakened state. She frowned and looked away, feeling contrite. She did not speak.

Two green eels, Ursula's lackeys, circled the sea witch. Each had a bad eye, one left and one right. Flotsam, the first, stated, "We cannot find the Keyhole."

Jetsam, his other, reiterated, "The Keyhole is not here."

"What!?" she exclaimed; then she noticed figures approaching the entrance and turned. She smiled, seeing Sora at the head of the pack. "Why, we have company. I'm afraid you're a little late, handsome!"

Ariel saw her father and swam swiftly to his side, their previous contention forgotten. Concern was written all over her face, and her stomach was in knots. She touched his arm, but received little reaction. "Daddy. . . ." She looked at Ursula accusingly. "What did you do?"

"Don't look at me, sweetheart," she replied as she caressed the trident. "My hands are clean of this. Why don't you ask Isaribi?"

Hikari stopped next to Sora just inside the room and looked toward Ariel and Triton. She also saw Isaribi a few feet away, at Ursula's prompting; the little sea monster had been looking on with an expression of guilt, and she now looked away in shame.

"Isaribi . . . what are you doing here?" She glanced at Ursula and back. "Did you. . . . Are you helping her?"

The blonde did not receive a response. She furrowed her brow. "Why?"

Isaribi felt all eyes on her and hung her head. "It . . . it can't be helped." She looked at Hikari, eyes pleading and amphibious hands curled into fists. "This is the only person who can return me to normal!" Her heart twisted and she closed her eyes. "It's in our contract. . . .

"People are judged based solely on appearance. On the Land of Shuriken and Kunai, people didn't dare come near me, even though my scales were covered with bandages. . . . I want to return to my former body, I want to be human!" She raised her head and added strongly, "For that reason, I decided I'll do anything!"

Hikari closed her eyes, absorbing her words, and rested a hand on her hip. When she opened her eyes, they were cold. "Idiot! It's not your appearance that makes you a monster. You 're still a human being. It's what you're doing that makes people think you're a monster! You're one of the 'sea monsters' who's been terrorizing people! Aren't you?"

"Stop it. . . ." Isaribi shouted and covered her ears. "Shut up!"

"Doing bad things, allying yourself with the sea witch-those are what make you fit to be called 'monster.'"

Isaribi sobbed and screamed, "I don't want to hear it! Shut up! Shut up!" She hunched over and her shoulders shook. Quieter, more pathetically, she asked, ". . . Are you bullying me, too?"

The blonde's eyes softened and she let her arm fall to her side. "No, I'm trying to open your eyes to the light. My brother is a jinchuuriki. He has a Heartless inside him. Everyone in the village hated him-and me. I know what it's like to have those eyes turned at you! And-," she hesitated and lowered her head. "And I know how sad, and angry it can make you feel. It hurts so much, and the darkness starts to blind you-it feels like you have no choice but to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. But you do have a choice, Isaribi."

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