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It had been exactly 1yr since my divorce and I would be liar if I said I never missed Danté and craved his presence even though he was rarely ever around when we were married. However,  the hole that he left in my heart is being filled due to the bundle of joy that I gave birth to four months back. I was already one month pregnant when I found out,  and was planning to tell Danté the good news on our wedding anniversary night. 

Her name is Amari Sarai Martinez. I had to revert to my maiden name after the divorce was settled since it was part of Danté's plea bargain that I drop his surname, in exchange for the house. Anyways, my Amari is the prettiest little girl ever and thankfully she looks more like me and not her father.  It would be so much easier to deny that he is the father,  not that he ever would acknowledge or claim her if he knew of her existence. Also,  I had decided that since I was pregnant without any family to lean on for support, it was best to sell the big house and downgrade to something smaller and invest some of the money in a small business that would support both my princess and I.

I now lived in a small town thousands of miles away from L.A., and ran a small pastry shop. I had always loved baking and while I was pregnant with Amari,  to help me stay focused and not sink into depression, I enrolled in culinary classes to better perfect my baking skills. I did all of the baking for the shop and had one employee, Julia, who ran the register and attended to customers. I preferred it that way since Amari is still so young and I don't exactly trust anyone with her care.  So I took her to work with me and stayed away from dealing with the customers personally.  Everything didn't turn out how I had wanted my life to go but I am happy that I have my beautiful daughter and also, that I can provide for her.

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