Chapter twenty-five (Max)

Start from the beginning

I laugh at the boy but quickly get dressed because when Milan says we leave in five, we leave in five. I remember this one time where I couldn't decide what to wear. I was standing infront of my closet with black skinny jeans on and some white Vans when Milan barged into my room. He grabbed my arms and started pulling me away from the closet, luckily, I was fast enough to grab a random shirt because if I didn't I would've had to go shirtless to a concert...


I can't even descripe how the grocery shopping went. We couldn't decide on what kind of drinks (non-alcoholic) and food to bring so it took us an actual hour to get what we need. We got some bags of chips and nuts, we got way too many drinks, we got some decoration, we got a cake and we may or may not have gotten ourselves some kinder eggs.

After our shopping trip, we made the house 'party ready', as Milan described it. Meaning we moved some couches to make more space, we put a few cool cds next to the radio and we made Milan's PlayStation play ready. We also put on some decoration making it more childlike than what we intented... We put the drinks inside the fridge, moving all the products we didn't need tonight to the fridge in the garage. Because a bunch of drunk dudes and food isn't quite a good mix... We also put the chips and nuts on the kitchen counter with enough bowls next to it and some small plates for the cake.

We were both quite nervous for tonight but neither of us really knew why. Well, I'm assuming he doesn't know. We didn't really talk about it, which made dinner a bit awkward. We ordered a pizza but we didn't know what to talk about. I asked him a few times if we had everything we need and he kept assuring me we did. He told me he had done a few preperations himself earlier this week and he was sure he had bought everything.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? What did he buy? Is he referring to my present or some food I don't know of? I know he went to the neighbors to tell about the party but that's not something you can buy. I tried convincing him in telling me what my present was but he wouldn't say. I just gave up and some how we ended up making out again.

A cd with different artists and types of music on it was playing, currently Stressed Out was playing loudly, causing us to not hear the doorbell. Well, maybe the heavy makeout session was part of the reason too...

''HAPPY BIRHTDAY'', We heard Tom and Thomas yell from the hallway, causing me to fall off of Milan onto the ground. I groaned loudly while Milan was dying of laughter. He better die. ''Whoah, what happened here?'' Tom asked confused.

''Ugh nothing, I just fell.'' I groaned glaring at Milan.

''Well, okay... Shirtless boy.'' Tom said hesitantly. ''We got you a present''

I quickly stood up and pulled my shirt over my head before accepting their present, I opened it and was bit surprised to see a diner bon. I looked at them questioningly. ''Erm, well so when you went on that trip with Mie. Erm, you went to a restaurant right?'' I nod. ''We thought you guys should go there again, it seemed special.''

I smiled at them. I gave both of them a hug, showing how much it meant to me. I quickly put the gift on a side table. 12 more people came, all giving me small gifts. I was still waiting for one guest though. Damian. I hadn't seen him since I left the hospital. I haven't talked to him either, that place didn't allow any calls with Damian. All of the sudden I hear the doorbell. Really soft because of Green Day blasting through the speakers.

I open the door and a big smile immediatly grows on my face. I pull the boy into my arms, needing some kind of proof that he was actually here.

"I am so happy you're here.", I state.

"Me too, Happy birthday bud."

I had pulled him towards the couch where we talked. Damian told me he moved back into his parents house and they're trying to fix their relationship. It's still hard because his parents look at him differently and I immediately understood when he said that. He told me his panic attacks have decreased and he hasn't had any blackouts where he hurt him or others. I can't explain how much that comforted me. Damian proudly showed me his wrists, no fresh cuts.

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