Chapter six (Milan)

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I gave my phone one last worried look before I ended the call. I run downstairs as fast as I can and run towards the front door to open it and get to my bike. I'm so worried about Max that I completely forget to tell my parents where I'm going. I jump on my bike and start to race towards Max' house.

Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid. Please tell me you were just joking. Max, hold on, I'm coming. I'm coming.

I don't think I've biked this fast ever before in my life, since I made it in fifteen minutes. But I didn't noticed how exhausted I was until I stepped off of my bike.

I run towards the front door and start banging on it like some lunatic while screaming Max' name.

Stupid ass, of course Max won't open the door and his parents are one. Fuck.

''BACKDOOR!'', I scream realizing it's probably open. I run around his small house and open the door. I run trough the mostly wooden house towards the front door, where the stars are. While running up the stairs I keep screaming Max' name without getting any answer.

Something is wrong. Terribly wrong. Max hold on. Please.

I reach the top of the stairs and immediately look to the right where Max' room is. I open the door slowly, scared of what I'm going to find. I open the door completely and for a few seconds I can't move because of the sight. I see a naked, muscular body with long blonde curls. But in those curls are blood red spots. It took me a few seconds but I got back to reality when my eyes drifted towards the bottle of pills.

''Holy shit.'', I sprinted towards Max and kneel down next to him.

''Max?'', I ask hesitantly.

I touch his head lightly to feel his temperature, he feels like he's burning. All of the sudden he starts to move random. His arms and legs are shaking but his eyes stay closed.

Shit shit shit. What in hell do I need to do? Okay calm down Mie. Just take a few breaths.

I take a deep breath while I reach for my phone and start to call 911.

''Hello 991, Maria speaking. What is your emergency?'', A friendly, female and reassuring voice asks.

''M-My M-my.'', is all I can speak.

''Sir? Please take a few breaths. I can't help you If you can't make a sentence. What happened?''

I tried to calm myself down while the tears were rolling down my cheeks. I push the curls out of Max'his face while I catch my breath. Max stopped moving.

''I- I don't know. My friend is unconscious, his head is bleeding and his arms and legs were moving spastic. What can I do?''

''Sir, If your friend is still moving like that you need to make sure he won't hit any sharp or pointy objects. Put an towel, or something soft, under his head and push a towel or shirt or something against his wound to stop it from bleeding.''

I do what she says.

''Okay okay. Now what?''

''You need to tell me your address so I can send help.''

I giveher the address while staring at Max' naked body    

Oh damn he is naked. I should put something over his private parts.

I reach for another towel and put it on him.

''Sir, I need you to stay calm and make sure the doors are open and the paramedics can easily find your house, and room where you are in. Is there anyone else there?''

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