Chapter eighteen (Milan)

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I wake up with Max in my arms once again. I start to draw shapes on his arm with my fingers making him hum softly. I need to wake him up because we have to get ourselves ready but I hate waking people up. I hope this will wake him up happy instead of grumpy.

''Hmm... Just five more minutes. Please. ''

I chuckle a bit before answering the half asleep boy: ''Maxxie, we need to get ready.''

''For what?'' he asks confused.

''For our little trip.''

He immediately opens his eyes and jumps up. He exclaims a loud ''finally!'' with a happy grin before pulling me out of bed and saying: ''Come on!! let's go.''

I chuckle at the excited boy before getting out of bed too. He goes to his own room to change but soon comes back with a thoughtful look on his face. ''What kind of clothes do I need to wear?''

''Ehm... Warm, decent but not expensive.''

''Oh well, I don't have any expensive clothes anyways.'' He says while shrugging his shoulder before turning around an leaving me once again.

He is so excited. He even talked about being poor with a smile. I really hope this day will live up to his expectations.

''GET READY MIE!'' Max shouts interrupting me from my thoughts.

I quickly get dressed and walk downstairs to see my mum making the both of us breakfast. Max is watching my mom with big excited eyes. He loves my mums food. I do too. Who wouldn't love it?

After breakfast we both give my mom a hug goodbye. We walk towards the front door while Max asks me with the same excitement he had all morning: ''So were are we going? And how are we going?''

''Wow wow wow.'' I state while opening the front door ''Slow down, you don't have to talk that fast, we've got time.''

And right when I said that, Max stops walking. I turn around to look at the blonde. ''What's wrong?''

''D-Did you seriously get a taxi? We could've gone with the train and bus. This is way to expensive!''

''Calm down Maxxie. It's okay. Come on.'' I say while grabbing his hand and leading him towards the taxi. We get in the back and the driver starts to leave.

''Hello boys. My name is Alfonso and I'll drive you around today.''

''Okey cool. So were are we going?'', Max asks mischievous.

Alfonso starts to laugh, rather loud must I say, before saying: ''You must be Max, I am not going to tell you buddy.''

Max grumbles before sitting back in his seat and crossing his arms.

I watch the boy with amused eyes. He's such a little kid. I decide to ruffle his hair and he gives me a glare in return which only makes me do it again and giggle at the boy.

''Did you just GIGGLE?'' he says laughing at me. I hide my face behind my hands.

''Like I haven't heard you giggle before!''

''I never giggle, when did I giggle?''

Crap. I didn't told him that. I didn't told him he kept giggling when I was face-timing him and I didn't told him we visited him that night and he giggled while talking about his crush.

''Nothing, never mind. Just please forget I ever giggled. I am a man! A manly man! '' ,I state with a voice way to low.

Max laughs at me and we start to talk about other things. We also talked to Alfonso a lot. After one and a half hour the cab stops driving and Alfonso says:

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