Chapter twenty-two (Max)

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It happened. It really happened. Milan told me he liked me too yesterday. I honestly didn't see it coming. I know, Thomas and Jeniffer kept saying he likes me but still...

But as I'm laying here, in bed, with Milan's arms wrapped around me to keep me warm and close I can't deny it anymore. The memories of yesterday are flowing back into my mind.

How I roughly kissed him to stop him from rambling and prevent me from crying. The way he lovingly kissed me after that. The way he told me I'm beautiful. The way our lips just melted together. His soft lips kissing mine. His lips tracing my freckles towards my neck. The way our hands roamed each others body.

Oh god I need to stop. 

Our alarm clock won't go off for another thirty minutes thus I decide to just get out of bed on my own and take a quick shower.

When I get downstairs I immediately smell the indescribable aroma of Catherine's breakfast.

''Ah good morning Max. How did you sleep?''

''Amazing.'' I yawn while stretching my arms above my head. Oh and don't forget the part about the stupid grin on my face.

''That's great to hear honey. Now, go sit down and eat some pancakes.'''

Before I can even thank her, John walks into the kitchen and ruffles my hair.

''What was that for?'', I exclaim.

''Just greeting one of my sons'', he smirked.

I wanted to get mad but I couldn't. I mean come on, this means the world to me. It really does, which is why I stood up from my seat to give him a hug. John gave me a tight squeeze and I couldn't help but smile.

I'm finally starting to realize how much I have. I got two sets of parents. A really sweat boyfr- ehm something. I got great friends and my boss really seems to care about me. I just need to get my grades up and be there for my parents.

''Hello son of my own flesh and blood. How are you on this fine Tuesday morning?'' I hear Catherine say while I watch Milan walk into the kitchen with a confused look plastered on his face and bedhair. DAMN that's hot.

''Ehm.'' He says, probably not sure about what to say. His eyes are focused on my pancakes while his hands are going through his brown locks. ''I'm fine mom, thanks. Are you sure you're fine too?''

His mom just giggles and turns around to get Milan a plate of pancakes too. His mother is amazing.

Milan sits down next to me. Really close may I add. Not that I'm complaining.


We're walking up the the school grounds when Milan suddenly stops walking.

''What's wrong?'' I ask worried.

''I-I'', he stuttered before taking a deep breath. ''You know I really like you, right?''

''Eh yeah, I guess.''

''I really do, it's just. I don't think I'm ready to come out to the school, we haven't even come out to our parents.''

''Yeah, but... Like, I don't want to hide it 24/7.''

''No, me neither. I just don't think I can handle any hate.''

''Why would they hate on us? They accepted Thomas and his ex too.'' I ask confused.

''Everyone already loved Thomas. No one can hate him. I'm just not so sure about me. They did bully that other kid last year. Just for a while I promise.'', He begged me.

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