Chapter three (Max)

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I hear a door opening.

Oh please don't let that be one of the guys.

But then I see Milan standing in the door opening. It's like this wave of relief floods through my body.

''H-Hey M-Maxxie.'', Milan says hesitantly.

What do I do? What do I say? I've acted like a spoiled brat. Maybe, just maybe I should begin with saying 'Hi'?


''I am really sorry, Max. I shouldn't have acted so bossy.''

I open my mouth to react but before any sound could live my body Milan says:

''No, wait, please? I just really hate it to see you like this. You mean a lot to me and I couldn't live without you as my best friend. The past four to five months you've worked so hard and all for your parents. And. And I just want to help you, but I can't, and ...''

I have to interrupt him. If he keeps going on like this it's going to take him a year to finish.


He stops talking and looks at me with this scared and curious face.

''I acted like a jurk today, like a spoiled brat. And I'm sorry. You mean a lot to me too, and if I would ever loose you I won't know what to do. You're the only one who I can really trust, with all my heart. I really am sorry.''

I see a look of surprise on his face. He starts walking towards me and hugs me.

Oh god. I wish he would hug me more often. It. Feels. So. GOOD! I was shocked by my own thoughts.

Milan tightens his grip around me for a split second before he, thankfully before I did something I would regret, releases me. Well, thankfully?

I had to stay in the hospital for two more days. Milan stopped by twice on Tuesday. And the other guys also stopped by for a moment that day. Today it's Wednesday. Six p.m, to be exact.

The doctor, called James, walks in. Pleasse tell me I can go home again.

''Hello Max, you're looking a lot better than before. I see your skin isn't naturally as pale as when you were brought in here.''

I don't respond. James probably noticed that I'm nervous for what he is going to say, considering he's looking at me hands which are fidgeting with the bed sheets. He stopped waiting for an answer and continues talking.

''Okay Max, I want you to listen closely. You can go home in about an hour.''

A smile creeps on my face.

''Please, listen. I am aware of your craving to earn money. I don't know why. But I know you work a lot, like really a lot. And I get it, money is nice. Money doesn't make you happy though, yeah yeah I know it helps a lot. But take some time off. Don't go to work in the next week, or longer. I do think you're able to make full days in school. I suggest you do this, we don't want you to fall behind with schoolwork.''

I look at him gratefully. I'm pretty sure there is going to be a 'but' here.

''But the second you're not feeling a 100% anymore, you should ho home.''

Told you so. I nod understandingly.

''You'll receive medications. These are not only for the pain in your head, there also to help you relax a bit. Take one at a time, read the description, occasionally two if your really need it. But not to often! Again, read the description, all drugs are dangerous.''

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