Chapter five (Max)

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What the hell is up with the guys today? Three times, seriously, I've been asked three times about what I did yesterday and they didn't seem to believe my answers. Am I that bad at lying? Would they know what I truly did yesterday? No, right? Okay Milan probably realizes, he's always the first one to notice somethings wrong.

What if he shared his thoughts with the guys? I can't stop working. Damn, I need some peace in my head. What if ...? No, that can't be healthy. But on the other hand, the doctor did say two pills wouldn't hurt me. It does calm my head down. It's not like I would get addicted or something.

I take two pills and half an hour later, at the end of lunchbreak, I feel a lot better. My head just stopped overthinking.

Hmm, I've got one problem left. How in hell am I suppose to focus on school and work like this? Okey Max, Focus. Focus. Focus. Hocus. Hocus. Pocus. Pocus. Hocus pocus pilatus pas. Wait what? What was I thinking about? Oh right, Harry potter, dûh! Wait. No. That's, not right, not at all. I have to get to my class. Erm, which one though? Oh yeah, English. Oh got. No no no. Not English, not right now. This isn't a good time.


I walk trough the doors of the classroom and take my seat next to Milan, fort he second time today.

''Hello Max, hello Milan. I hope you both will do a better job at paying attention this time?''

We both nod but don't say a word. Milan won't even look at me. Ussualy he would use those brown eyes to look straight into mine, without blinking or looking away for a minute or so. That always seemed like an eternity, not that I would complain.

This lesson, just like always, I can't keep my focus. But this time it's different, worse.

Why won't he look at me? Is he mad, angry? Why would he be mad? Should I tell him I worked yesterday, and that I'm going to work today too and that I won't stop working the following months? Should I tell him I put my parents debts before my own health. I know I do this. But it doesn't matter. How in hell can I explain that to him? I know I can trust him. And I know he says he won't judge me, but he will. It's unavoidable. And besides I shouldn't make him worry ... HEY Is that a plane? ... ... Wait what? Come one, MAX! FOCUS. It isn't that hard. Can you say with all honesty that you have paid attention once with English? No, thats right. In exactly a week you have your first exam week. And you CAN NOT ruin this. Pay attention. Pay attention. Pay attention.


Oh crap, was I thinking out loud? No, I can't. That wasn't my voice, was it?

''Would you pay attention already?''

Who was that? I look around me. I don't understand.

But then I look in front of me. Crap. I see the teacher looking at me, straight in the eyes. His head is as red as a tomato. Hmm tomatoes. Now I feel like eating a tomato.

''That's it. I want you to report yourself, right now. I said now. Max, get out of my class.''

Oh damn, this isn't good. Milan looks at me with a confused look. Shit, he probably noticed me being more distracted than normal. I stand up and walk towards the door. Erm, what was I suppose to do?

''Erm, sir? What was I suppose to do again?''

No one probably thought it was possible but his head became even more red and if you told me you saw steam leaving his ears, I would believe you. HAHA he looks like a steam train.

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