Chapter Twelve: Saving Her

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Noragami: Fallen Grace

The clashing of the swords rung throughout the clearing, bouncing off the trees. In the middle, that made the sound was two gods. One was fighting for all he was worth to save the girl who now lays still across the clearing. The other god fighting just for entertainment, no real goal, except if you call dying by the hands of the other god a goal then that's what he want. But to understand why she lay there like a baby sleeping, we would have to rewind a little. To the moment when she attacks Hitomu.


"You, Hitomu!" Yato shouted.

His electric blue eyes darkening, his face in a scowl. Hatred emitting from him. At this moment Yato, wanted nothing more than to fight him, but he had to worry about Hiyori. She was phantom and if he doesn't act quickly he could lose her. Just the thought of it, pain him, why? Maybe because she is his follower and if she leaves who would remember him. Right? That what he thinks at least.

He watched Hiyori shift behind Hitomu, crouching. She reminded him of a cat watching its prey before pouncing. Yato eyes grew wide. No! He reacted before Hitomu catch wind of Hiyori attempts. In a flash, he was in front of the phantom, wrapping, and arms around her waist as she pounced at Hitomu an animalistic snarl was released from her lips.

"Hiyori!" he cried out.

For a moment the struggling girl paused. A split moment, the girl refinished the voice that called her name, but it all fell away to quickly and now her gaze was on him. Ya to let her go quickly, jumping back as she struck him. Her nail nearly missing him, as she snarled. She seemed to become wilder at each passing moment and ya to didn't know what to do.

He has way too many problems going on at once. A deep laugh boom over them, his eyes clashing with Hitomu. A smug smile on his face, one that Yato want to knock away. The struggling Hiyori in his arms, he made a decision, mumbling sorry. He hit Hiyori with the hilt of his sword, before walking her to the side, laying her in the grass.

He whispered another apology and before turning his eyes on Hitomu. The Yukon in hands, he narrowed his eyes. Hitomu, smiled finally Yato was serious. Hitomu knew this as he called for Tora.

"Come Tomiko!"

Tora began to glow in a white light before transferring to Hitomu awaiting hand, turning into a long spear, a black feather around the edge. Hitomu smiled. Taking a stance, and the stare-down began between these two. Hitomu nor Yato backed down. A sigh escaped, his lips before he charged full-speed towards the waiting Yato.

Jerking towards the right, and slashing down on the metal that struck the place he once was. The spear crashed into the ground as Yato flung his foot forward into Hitomu chest. Sending his flying backward hitting the ground with a loud thud. Pushing off the ground Yato, rushed towards the fallen Hitomu. He wasn't gonna let him have a break. He wanted to end this, and quickly. Slashing down, he hit the dirt as Hitomu rolled away, jumping to his feet. A smirk on his face.

Yato growled, spring out the ground once more, heading straight for Hitomu, who just step aside. The sword piercing only through the fabric. Yato turned quickly holding up both swords to block an attack. He was too late. The punch sends his head rocking back, blood spitting from his mouth. He stumbled back dazed for a moment. Maybe even stunned but got back into a stance. Yato eyes were focused whole on Hitomu who had this devilish smirk on his face.


Across, the clear where Tora was transforming back into her human body. She acted quickly, going over towards the unconscious Hiyori, he small hand pressed to the forehead. She wished an incantation over her, watching Hiyori face twist with agony, moaning with pain before it calmed. Pulling her hand back she stood back, a safe distanced.

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